Transport for NSW asks drivers ‘What’s your Plan B’ in new campaign via Ogilvy Australia
The NSW Government, working with Ogilvy Australia, have launched the latest iteration of the Plan B campaign, encouraging motorists across the state to make positive decisions when it comes to getting home safely after drinking alcohol.
The behaviour change campaign, which targets men aged 17-49 and younger females, highlights the physiological impacts of alcohol and encourages NSW motorists not to put themselves or others on the road at risk by getting behind the wheel after drinking.
Says Toby Talbot, chief creative officer at Ogilvy Network: “Terry Godmother is our new loveable, mystical voice of reason, who emphasises the importance of having a Plan B in a memorable way. He is the voice in our head we all need to get home safely after drinking.
“The team were proud to work with Transport for NSW on this latest iteration of the Plan B road safety campaign, now in its tenth year. This new take on the successful Plan B campaign will encourage roader users to plan ahead to save lives.”
Says Tara McCarthy, deputy secretary of safety, environment and regulation at Transport for NSW: “Drink driving is one of the biggest causes of death and injury on NSW roads. This campaign reminds drivers that if you’ve been drinking, you need a Plan B to get home safely. Working with Ogilvy, we were able to bring this message to life and ensure that Terry Godmother’s words of wisdom help create safer roads for people across NSW.”
Client: Transport for NSW
Advertising Agency: Ogilvy Australia
This is disjointed, hard to comprehend, and is completely disconnected to all of your other driving messages out there. None of it makes sense and there is no strategy holding everything together.
Really like these ads when they come on tv. Solving a serious problem with humour is always a good idea in my book.
What is Australia’s fascination with using with using large maori men in the same sterotypical way every single ad? It’s honestly starting to feel a bit wrong.
Good to see the production credits….
Ogilvy as always, hero’ing their production partners :/
Terry, Terry bad.
but done badly.
Yep it’s been proven that Kiwis do drink driving messages better than anyone. So as an Australian agency working on an australian client we should naturally try to rip it all off right down to the accent. Nice one.
theres a weird exotification of kiwis going on in aussie advertising and it’s icky
Yep. It’s honestly so backward and wrong.
Nothing landed in that.
This campaign needed a Plan B. The prop’s been polluted.
This version was better
Welcome to 2006 – except NZ did it way better. This is awful.