Book Now: Top creative luminaries join Sydney Copy School 2024 tutor line-up including Andy Flemming, Jenny Mak, Jonathan Kneebone + more

Book Now: Top creative luminaries join Sydney Copy School 2024 tutor line-up including Andy Flemming, Jenny Mak, Jonathan Kneebone + more

Spots are quickly filling up for Sydney Copy School 2024. Act quick to secure your place and learn from some Australia’s most brilliant creative minds. Copy School Sydney is set to be held from Monday, November 11 – Friday November 15. Register now at


Andy Flemming — Creative Lead, 72andSunny
Georgie Waters — Senior Copywriter at M&C Saatchi Group AUNZ
Dee Madigan — ECD Campaign Edge, Gruen Panelist
Jonathan Kneebone — Glue Society
Jenny Mak — Creative Partner at DDB Group Australia
Heather Sheen
— Brand Consultant, Freelance Strategist, Sheen Strategy
Overseas Guest Lecturer by Zoom — To Be Announced
Ralph van Dijk
— Founder, Eardrum
Esther Clerehan

Up to 22 students (in Sydney) will spend a week of mornings with ten of Australia’s top creative luminaries – experience it might otherwise take decades to get. Each lecture a masterclass, fasterclass designed to inspire copywriters be they aspiring, fledgling, junior or senior.

“I come away upbeat and upskilled each year,” says 78-year-old copywriter John Bevins.

Not-for-profit Copy School survives on the pro bono support of creative leaders whose generosity has allowed the school to keep its fee down to just $595.

Founder Ray Black was determined to make Copy School as affordable as possible. That determination is carried on by John Bevins (Black’s creative partner in the John Bevins agency) who Black handed his Copy School baby to several years ago.

John Bevins (Sydney) and Chris Taylor (Melbourne), together, run Copy School pro bono.

Copy School Melbourne will be held from Monday, November 18 – Friday, November 22. You can book your spot for the Melbourne School now at

Campaign Brief, AdNews and B&T are united in support for Copy School.

Book Now: Top creative luminaries join Sydney Copy School 2024 tutor line-up including Andy Flemming, Jenny Mak, Jonathan Kneebone + more