Tongue Sydney and Disability Services Australia provide a young disabled job seeker the chance to shine in agency life with ‘The Portfolio Project’


Tongue DSA.jpgTongue has given a taste of agency life to a young job seeker through a partnership with Disability Services Australia and Goodwill Freelancers. The Internship took place under the guidance of Hugh Munro, strategy director, who provided the opportunity for Hayley to take on various tasks within the strategy department at Tongue.


The initiative is part of a program called ‘The Portfolio Project’ where young people with disability are given the opportunity to work on real campaigns for real clients, to build a credible portfolio for future industry employment. Munro guided Hayley along agency process, and gave her an introduction to working in an agency environment, and most importantly, valuable hands on experience in the industry.

Says Munro: “When we initially heard about The Portfolio Project, we were keen to get involved because it gave us such a tangible opportunity to contribute to the broader community. What we didn’t realise was the benefit we’d receive. Hayley brought a great skill-set which we unleashed on a bunch of live jobs. It’s been a privilege to have her as part of the Tongue team.”