The Victorian State Emergency Service launches new StormSafe digital campaign via Deepend


ses_video_stormman.jpgThe Victorian State Emergency Service (SES) has launched its annual StormSafe campaign with a new interactive digital marketing campaign and video via Deepend.

Says Lachlan Quick, SES media and community information manager: “Storms can happen anywhere at anytime with very little warning. What we need is for Victorian’s to understand that by doing a few small things to prepare their homes, they can save themselves thousands of dollars in damages.”

The Deepend team have created the campaign that includes a buyout of The Age, Facebook advertising and a series of web videos that introduced the character ‘Storm Man’.


The persona of “Storm Man” was created as the central character used across the videos. The ‘tongue in cheek’ feel of the videos brings humour to scenarios that people partake in everyday.

The tagline of “You never know when the storm will hit” drives home a serious message in a fun, light-hearted way.

Says Fred Haas, Deepend’s creative director: “Storm Man was all about putting a face to the force of Mother Nature. We used SES volunteers to play all of the roles to give an extra sense of authenticity.”

SES is largely synonymous with promoting messages of a serious nature, so the move to making their audience laugh was an unexplored tact.