The Portfolio Project Launches Web Agency Social Enterprise
June 3 2024, 2:11 pm | | No Comments

The Portfolio Project has now launched a social enterprise web agency that profits go to a chosen charity and employs creatives referred to us as from a Social Services Employment Agency.
The Portfolio Project was awarded the NSW Youth Award when the program first started in Sydney, training young people with a disability in advertising and design skills on live briefs.
Says Ken “Duncan” Mah, co-founder of the social enterprise agency now known as Clem Designs 3rd 2016 & The Portfolio Project: “We started out in various names 3rd2016 and GWC 3rd2016 as a for profit agency just like any other web agency, but I realised we could merge this as a services as part of The Portfolio Project so it is more financially sustainable for The Portfolio Project.
“We have only been running for 2 months and within a month we have exceeded our expectations, you gotta understand we are a tiny social enterprise agency just starting out but we have been able to raise around $950 AUD for our chosen Children’s charity and employ on a freelance basis a design creative who did a fantastic job for us.”
Richards as the co-founder of The Portfolio Project has been linking the agency in with a social service organisation.
Says Mah: “We hope to keep this momentum going, we don’t know what the future holds but it is a great start for a tiny agency.
“If clients including agencies want to jump onboard and help out that would be great!”, says Mah.
Clem Designs 3rd2016 in its various forms have been awarded by Awwwards, CSS Design Awards & Mindpsarkle Mag Site of The Day.
For Media Planning and Buying, Clem Designs 3rd2016 have an agreement with Bench Media Sydney, to bolster web design and development with marketing services if clients want digital marketing services.
Clem Designs 3rd2016:
Bench Media: