The Portfolio Project launches Threadless T-Shirt Store with 50% of profits going to ex participants

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The Portfolio Project launches Threadless T-Shirt Store with 50% of profits going to ex participants

Just in time for Christmas The Portfolio Project, a not-for-profit program that enables young people with a disability to pursue a career in the creative industries, has just released a Threadless store in which three of the T-shirt designs were designed by its participants.


50% of all profits go to the ex participants of The Portfolio Project who produced some of the designs.

The young people were also paid to design the T-shirt designs that they contributed to.

Shirts, hoodies etc are available in different styles, different colours and come in sizes for women, men and kids.

Says Duncan Mah, co-founder of The Portfolio Project: “We tried to do this about 9 years ago but the logistics were a nightmare. Now with Threadless, a trusted platform who handles all the shipping, sizing styles and everything, you can be assured your T-shirts will be delivered.”

The Portfolio Project was awarded the NSW Youth Award when the program first started in Sydney, training young people with a disability in advertising and design skills on live briefs.

You can purchase the t-shirts from the Threadless store here: