NZ Cannes Contenders: DDB, JWT and Mojo

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How will NZ perform at Cannes this year?Over the next two weeks in the lead up to the Festival, Campaign Briefwill be showcasing the work we hope will impress the judges…

DDB New Zealand

NZ has morerecreational boaties in the water than anywhere else in the world.Unfortunately, NZ also have more reckless, irresponsible, andintoxicated boaties than anywhere else. With little government funding,the New Zealand Coastguard is forced to patrol this vast area with ajust 75 boats. Their volunteers are often faced with the futile task offinding a needle in a haystack. DDB New Zealand didn’t just tell thecountry this – they let them experience it on Sunday January 31. They capsized a boat andstranded 4 people in the ocean, and challenged the whole of New Zealandto find and save them in the world’s first live-rescue event.

DDB New Zealand

For just $2.99, you can see the work of the world’s most brilliant and tortured artists. One of three print ads in the campaign.

DDB New Zealand

A parent would do anything to take the place of their sick child. Toraise donations for the Starship Foundation, DDB New Zealand and SweetShop director Steve Ayson turned this thought into a deeply moving spot.

DDB New Zealand

It’s hard not to be happy when you’ve got MySKY, according to this humorous commercial.

DDB New Zealand

This commercial promotes SKY TV’s 5 channels of news coverage.

JWT Auckland

To give people a break at summer events, JWT Auckland created plywood,flat-pack posters that could be made into sturdy, functional chairs.They were placed around various summer events so people could make achair and take a break. They soon became a talking point at events asactivators gave out product samples.

JWT Auckland

Ovi offers a selection of awesome games for your Nokia, including thetimeless classic Battleship. Using the classic red ‘peg’ icons, JWT NewZealand brought the game to life for the old sea dogs who played askids and, more importantly, the next generation of Battleship captains.

Publicis Mojo, Auckland

Don’t touch the TV: disaster strikes in this spot for Speights Traverse via Publicis Mojo Auckland.

Publicis Mojo, Auckland

GreenpeaceNew Zealand, via Publicis Loft, Auckland, asked  New Zealanders whocare about a clean, green and fairfuture to Sign On, and support the government to make the rightdecision on climate change at the UN conference in Copenhagen. Thecommercial was written by Rhys Darby of ‘Flight of the Concords’ fame.

Publicis Mojo, Auckland

I’m Not Harry Jenson is James Napier Robertson’s debut featurefilm, released in cinemas  throughout New Zealand on January28th 2010. A global DVD release will follow, as well as TV broadcasts in selected regions.