The Marketing Zoo creates a Digital Stampede


Digital Stampede-web.jpgMaking the decision to align with experts in their field rather than buying an existing agency, The Marketing Zoo has partnered with three former senior staffers from ninemsn and 5th Finger to create Digital Stampede. This new agency operates as The Marketing  Zoo’s digital arm and as an independent agency.  


Leading the charge are Jon Slade, former head of mobile marketing and advertising at 5th Finger and ninemsn, Renee Bilston, former head of ninemsn’s creative agency, ninepixels, and Amy Copcutt, senior client services manager, ninemsn. The directors of Digital Stampede have experience sitting in client, agency and publisher seats, their diverse skills have come from working with major clients across a wide range of key industry sectors.

Capitalising on the strong experience of its directors, DigitalStampede is a full service digital agency with key areas of speciality- digital promotions, branded content and mobile. Hitting the groundrunning, the partnership between The Marketing Zoo and Digital Stampedehas seen some early wins for the two agencies.

“The Digital Stampede team is providing valuable knowledge and insights from a digital

perspective that are going into the front end development of our concepts and programs,”

said David Lo, MD of The Marketing Zoo and chairman of the Australasian Promotional

Marketing Association. “And it is being well received as demonstratedby the three business wins, George Weston Foods, KFC and 20th CenturyFox Home Entertainment, already under Stampede’s belt.”


“Digital Stampede has just opened its doors but we are already reaping the benefits of our

new partnership,” said Brad Hellegas, CEO of The Marketing Zoo. “Notonly does the agency have a strong offering and can provide our clientswith digital strategy and execution, the partnership is increasing TheMarketing Zoo’s digital IQ exponentially given the close workingrelationship our teams have already developed.”  


While the directors of Digital Stampede are well aware that they arestorming into a crowded market, they are confident that they have theexpertise, smarts and the robust point of difference necessary to be asuccess. “We know digital audiences and we know campaigns that hit thesweet spots. Our research shows that there is a gap in the market foran agency that is strong in branded content, digital promotions andaudience insights. We pride ourselves on being experts in thesespecific areas and we are excited to have started delivering theseofferings and devising and executing large-scale digital marketingcampaigns for the first of many Digital Stampede clients,” said ReneeBilston, Director of Digital Stampede.

Pictured – standing: Brad Hellegas and David Lo. Seated: Jon Slade, Amy Copcutt and Renée Bilston