The Liberal Party of Australia (Vic) calls for expressions of interest for new creative team

The Liberal Party of Australia (Vic) calls for expressions of interest for new creative team

The Liberal Party of Australia (Victorian Division) is calling for expressions of interest to be part of its campaign team for the next State election, due in November 2022.


The next election will be critical for Victoria’s future. We are looking for a creative team to help us highlight the positive plans of the O’Brien Liberal National team and the damage being inflicted on the State by the current Government.

The Liberal Party has worked with some outstanding advertising professionals over the years, but the time is right to review our options. We are open to working with a new agency, or a hybrid team, as we have in past campaigns.

The creative team will need to understand political advertising is different to product advertising. They will need to work collaboratively in a high-pressure campaign environment and share our determination to ensure then election of a Liberal Government.

Interested advertisers are asked to submit a credentials document and a brief statement explaining why they might be the right partner and how they might approach this assignment. There will be a subsequent pitch process for suitably qualified agencies.

Expressions of interest can be sent to the State Director Friday, December 4th.