The Gruen Transfer returns tomorrow (Wednesday March 18) at 9pm on ABC1


Picture 284.pngThe Gruen Transfer returns to ABC1 this Wednesday at 9pm with WilAnderson, Todd Sampson and Russel Howcroft, plus guests Dan Gregory andJane Caro. The panel looks at Australian Tourism and Recessionadvertising, Michael Phelps is the subject for Endorse Me and on ThePitch, McCann Erickson (Melbourne) goes head-to-head with Marketforce(Perth) to sell Nuclear Reactors.


Exclusive and waiting for you right now

Is half an hour of Gruen just not enough? Well, thanks to the newfangled Interweb, we can now bring you the larger, economy-sized program. The second season of ABC-TV’s The Gruen Transfer features a brand new weekly segment, exclusive to the online audience at the show’s hit website.

The new segment, ‘GOD, I HATE THIS AD!, lets host Wil Anderson sound off about an ad that has been annoying him. Having had his spray, he then dares the industry panel to defend it.

The segment will be responsive to audience suggestions. If you’ve got an ad that’s really making you twitchy, you can tell us at the website and if Wil can build up a head of steam about it, it could become a target.

‘GOD I HATE THIS AD!’ will be available straight after the show goes to air. Take a look at a sneak preview of this week’s segment, which looks at Chrysler’s ‘Yes We Can’ spot.

The Gruen Transfer website, which has been nominated for a prestigious international Webby Award, has been a huge hit with online audiences and is one of ABC-TV’s most popular sites.

Last year, an astonishing 10,000 mashup clips were created for Gruen Beer, Bank and Beauty by viewers using the tools on the Consumer Revenge segment of the site. This year, viewers get the chance to pit their skills against Baz Luhrmann and come up with a tourism campaign to sell Australia to the world.