The AFL appoints cummins&partners to generate the new AFL Finals Series campaign for 2014
In the same week as winning the tender to deliver Adelaide United’s media and strategy campaigns, cummins&partners has been selected by the AFL to develop this seasons AFL Finals Series campaign.
Says Dorothy Hisgrove, general manager – people, customer & community AFL: “We wanted some different thinking on this particular project and opened it up outside of our normal processes. We are really pleased with the result. We have an incredibly passionate fan base who will be at the heart of our finals thinking.”
Says Adam Ferrier, CSO at cummins&partners: “It’s great to be working with the AFL on this project. There are many people in this agency who take the game rather seriously, so needless to say we’re pretty excited.”
George Patterson Y&R will remain as the AFL’s agency of record.
We wanted some different thinking so we went to the agency that just hired the guy who wrote our campaign last year. Makes sense.
The AFL Finals series needs an ad campaign?
To get people to go to the AFL finals, we went to the agency that is already trying to get people to buy tickets to our 2 big rival, Soccer A League and Rugby Melbourne Storm.
No conflict there!
So they didn’t use the agency that does work like this for AFL
But they did use the agency that does work like this for Rugby League
Geniuses at work!!
Man: I bought a seat.
Woman: You bought a seat?
Man: I bought a seat.
Woman: A seat?
Man: Yeah I bought a seat.
Super: 2014 AFL Finals Series.
Who at AFL would have said, “we want ads just like this gem”.
Balls up.