Tanya Spencer and Noelle Jones launch ‘Castaway Pay’ to help streamline cast and crew payments

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Tanya Spencer and Noelle Jones launch ‘Castaway Pay’ to help streamline cast and crew payments

Ask agencies, clients or production companies which part of production causes the most headaches and the majority will say cast and crew contracts and payments. It’s a complicated and time consuming aspect of production that swallows up valuable hours and resources.


Castaway Pay is here to disrupt the way things have been done and make life a lot easier for anyone and everyone who has to manage performer and crew contracts, payments, rollovers and all of the associated admin.

Castaway Pay, founded by production company founders Tanya Spencer (above right) and Noelle Jones (above left) from The Producers – is the ultimate problem solver. Castaway Pay is a project service offer backed by a web-based platform. Apart from cast contracts and labour payroll, the system automates all back end documentation.

Spencer and Jones have vigorously brainstormed and intuitively designed the Castaway Pay system to make sure it is purpose fit and easy to use. The tech-led system allows users to access all aspects of a project’s administrative and payment information, including live time status reporting documents while a project is underway. Rollover payments are a snap with the Castaway Pay system, with automated alerts informing the user of upcoming payment requirements and the ability to process everything through the secure portal.

Says Spencer: “We know first hand how problematic cast and crew processing can be for agency and clients. We have streamlined all of the pain and have the best people and systems in place to make it the best and most seamless payment and rollover system the industry has seen.

“Our goal was to transfer our experience to create a system that made everything seamless, easy and provided a genuinely practical and affordable option. We’re looking forward to sharing it with the world now and growing and improving it in the years ahead.”

Says Jones: “The beauty of Castaway Pay is that it lets you outsource the payments and admin but have full control and access over all the data. We know that agency producers and clients love to have all project information at their fingertips which they can now do with a simple log in to their own portal.”

To enjoy a personal demonstration of the Castaway Pay system, please contact Tanya at producer@castawaypay.com or find out more castawaypay.com