Sydney production company Mint reveals fresh new brand

Sydney production company Mint reveals fresh new brand

(L:R – Tom Spark, Jordan Smith, Ethan McLean, Hannah Lehmann, Andrew Seaton, Matt Samperi)

After almost fifteen years of the same branding, Sydney based production company Mint decided it was time for a fresh new look.


Says Andrew Seaton, co-founder and director: “Our refreshed visual and verbal identity reflects our core values of creativity, craft, relationships, people and reliability, which we have lived and breathed for over 15 years. We feel that this comes at a pivotal time, where we see massive technological disruption combined with a relentless pursuit of blockbuster quality at ever increasing efficiency.”

The brand refresh is illustrative of the production company’s evolution.

Says Matt Samperi, co-founder and DOP: “We’ve gone from a production company of fresh faced filmmakers with just a single director, to now having a stable of four directors – Ethan McLean, Hannah Lehmann, Tom Spark and Andrew Seaton – and this is due to grow over the course of 2024. With our internal edit suites we have produced campaigns for the likes of Google, Amazon, Woolworths, VW and many more.”

Partnering with design firm Christopher Doyle & Co., Mint had a simple brief – redefine the brand with maturity, sophistication and fun.

Sydney production company Mint reveals fresh new brand

Says Samperi: “The new visual identity with its clean lines, negative space and bold type feels contemporary and slick. The blocky, almost pixel-like shapes that make up the wordmark speak to the digital world we as filmmakers find ourselves in. Out of this process was also born our new tagline – ‘Stories built on collaboration. Crafted with care. Made by Mint.’”

Looking to the future, Seaton adds: “The creative landscape is evolving at an incredibly rapid pace, from daily advances in AI to the constantly evolving digital habits of audiences. As a team of filmmakers fuelled by collaboration and innovation, we see this as yet another great opportunity to work together with our creative partners to tell stories in new and exciting ways. That’s what this rebrand means to Mint. We want our creative partners to know that we’re not just used to disruption – we thrive on it. Our sweet spot is collaborating with other great creatives to bring exceptional and diverse ideas to life, no matter the creative or logistical obstacles involved. We love the challenge and we’re here for the long haul.”

Visit the new website at to see Mint’s roster of award-winning directors and its work. Contact head of new business Jordan Smith on 0423 332 881 or to find out more.