Sydney Copy School Class of 2023 celebrate graduation at the AGNSW restaurant

Back row L-R: Victor Chan, Lachlan Collie, Lachie Davis, Asher Paris, Mitchell Bozetto, Ben Ryan, Patrick Timms)
Front row L-R: Chris Taylor (Melbourne Chair), Jessie Staszkiewicz, Amy Morrison, Olivia Colantonio, Mia Blum, Charlotte Berry, Cindi Diep, John Bevins (Sydney Chair)
Copy School students in Sydney ended last week with their graduation lunch at the AGNSW restaurant in the new wing of the Art Gallery of New South Wales — having spent the previous five mornings at the State Library of New South Wales. Gee, last year it was a pub in Glebe.
Says John Bevins, Copy School co-chair: “Huge thanks to our ever-generous supertutors — (in order of appearance) Andy Flemming, 72andSunny; Georgie Waters, M&C Saatchi; Dee Madigan, Campaign Edge; Jonathan Kneebone, The Glue Society; Jenny Mak and Heather Sheen, DDB and R/GA respectively, Barbara Humphries, The Monkeys; Richard Russell (via Zoom from England), Freelance; Ralph can Dijk, Eardrum, and Esther Clerehan, CLEREHAN. Huge thanks also to Campaign Brief for getting the word out on the school of words. And, well, the students — thank you! Another inspiriting bunch of talented souls, future creative leaders.
“The student feedback forms say it all,” continued Bevins, “the school for copywriters set up by Ray Black over 15 years ago, as a head-scratchingly affordable way to encourage great creative talent, is now a well-established institution for copywriters fledgling, flying and seasoned. It’s an independent, self-sustaining (so far) not-for-profit with in-person pro bono tutors. A happy, intimate alternative to hot-for-profit online courses.”
See for the curriculum.
Bevins missed most of the week thanks to last-minute Covid, but — thanks to co-chair Chris Taylor — Copy School didn’t miss a beat. Taylor flew up from Melbourne and then back to Melbourne to host Copy School there; it’s happening this week.
Taylor came up with the curriculum which, second year running, has yielded brilliant lectures and unique learnings that prove practical and inspirational.
1 Comment
Such an awesome week!