Suncorp change corporate colours to support the Queensland recovery via George Patts Brisbane


SUNCORP Tower[1].jpgSuncorp Bank with the help of George Patterson Y&R Brisbane, has come out with a bold show of support for the disaster ravaged state to let Queenslanders know that they are 100% behind them.


And what better way to do that than to go Maroon – the one colour that’s been uniting the state for years and through countless Origin wins.

Suncorp press.jpgOver the past week Suncorp Bank changed its corporate colours from itstrademark green to maroon on everything from advertising, shop signage,staff uniforms, branch posters and web pages. It even reskinned itscorporate head office in Brisbane.


But the support doesn’t stop with a mere change in colour. Each maroonmessage also comes with a pledge to collect funds that will be donatedto the Premier’s Disaster Relief Appeal:  

$1 for every transaction account opened during March.

$1 dollar for every person who attends a sporting event at Suncorp Stadium during March.

And $250,000 in business grants to help small businesses get back on their feet.

Says Todd Skerman, Executive Manager of Customer Strategy &Marketing, “We wanted to extend the sense of community Queenslandersdisplayed in helping each other in the initial aftermath of the floodsand cyclones. Going Maroon for March is our way of giving support ofthose rebuilding their homes, businesses and their lives. “

GPY&R Brisbane md Michael Harris, added: “We’ve all been gettingour hands dirty to help rebuild and we hope Suncorp Bank’s latestinitiative does its part to raise awareness and more importantly moneyfor those who need it most. ”