February 9 2006, 6:00 am | | 8 Comments
CB hears that one time Saatchi & Saatchi Singapore writer, Srinnath Mogeri has been lured to the windy city, starting at Clemenger BBDO, Wellington next month, to be teamed with Mark Harricks. For the two years, the highly awarded Mogeri has been based in Sydney, first at FNL followed by his current abode at George Patterson Y&R.
Good move Sri!
Sri’s a really good bloke too. Good move for him.Is there anyone left outside the Southern hemisphere who’d wanna work at Sydney Y&R now?
Matt McGrath – lovely man…
Congrats Sri. But you realise that you’ll actually have to do some work now.
Good one Gaylord.
Place your bets…gone to whatever rock he crawled from under within 12 months I reckon. They come, they go…they leave no impression. No point having a ‘star’ writer in a place with no ‘star’ clients. He’ll be eating authentic Singapore Noodles come New Year.
you don’t know what your on about about last guy. Clients like the LTNZ must have to be one of the most awarded clients in Australasia. Even picking up a gold at Cannes a couple of years ago. Clems also picked up another gold at cannes that year for The World Press. They have also done a shit load of internationally awarded work for Dunlop, Panasonic, ACC… and are consistently in the top ranked agencies in ‘the work’. What agency are you talking about?
The Columbian on Oxford Street