Sportsbet urges punters to BS responsibly this Spring Carnival in newly launched campaign
It happens every year. Spring Carnival comes around and all of a sudden everyone’s an ‘expert’. Well this year Sportsbet is urging racegoers not to get carried away with their BS when talking racing tips, form or even fashion.
The online bookmaker has installed the BS Brigade, a crack team of BS experts, into their latest campaign to monitor and promote responsible levels of BS on and off track by using the Sportsbet app.
Written and produced by Sportsbet’s internal creative team, the integrated campaign features a range of TVCs, online videos, radio and print
advertising, and Social content.
Says Mike Connors, BS Brigade Sergeant: “Everyone needs a good level of BS to get through the carnival, we encourage that. We just know extreme BS can put yourself and others in danger.”
Armed with state-of-the-art Random BS Testing technology, the Brigade analyses everything from horse tips (both good and bad) to clamping down on celebrities overdoing their BS in marquees.
Says Tim Hernadi, general manager of marketing, Sportsbet: “Let’s be honest, BS levels go through the roof at Spring Carnival. We’re happy to call that out and encourage punters to BS Responsibly by using the Sportsbet app.”
Executive Producer/Director: Barney Howells – Sportsbet
Creative Director: Raman Goraya – Sportsbet
Copywriters: Chris Chard, Ryan Goodman, Rich Hummerston – Sportsbet
Producer: Kate Merrin
Post Production: The Butchery/The Refinery
Executive Producer: Freya Maddock
Offline Editor: Dan Lee
Online Editor: Chris Betteridge
Sound Production: Stevo Williams – Final Sound
Sound Producer: Pip Wright – Final Sound
DoP: Matt Toll
Client: Sportsbet
General Manager of Marketing: Tim Hernadi
Head of Brand and Advertising: Kathy Schokman
Acting Brand Manager: Jason Thatcher
Campaign Manager: Felicity Smith
Campaign Executive: Laura Murphy
Since this was done by an internal agency, I county this as a win for the industry.
It’s very similar to Nothing soft gets in, but only at an idea level. This is overacted and very forced at times. Could have been done a lot better I thought.
Toyota Border Patrol without the LOLS.
Nice idea, pretty average execution.
Still, when compared with most work that internal agencies/teams produce, it’s not awful. However, hopefully as an industry ‘not awful’ doesn’t become good enough….
could have been good, but seems a like a whole lot of money wasted on a crap script
…..Great job, obviously they’ve employed the right people, there would be a few agencies starting to worry know once they see this, as I can only guess there are a few clients would have seen this and started to think.
For a lot of Australian agencies, this would be the best work they make all year.
As an industry we have collectively lost our ability to have a crack, tell a joke and have fun with our audience.
Unless you in the agencies can start proving your worth, then you’ll lose more opportunities like Sportsbet.
I look forward to when the internal agency makes craft beer too. I reckon that’ll get ‘it’s a lot like piss, but not bad.’
The logic in these ads doesn’t make sense and the connection to the brand is unclear.
Gamblers, especially those using Sportsbet, are full of shit. Tell us we don’t know.
What the hell is this about ? You’re spending an enormous amount of money on this to what end ? I’m assuming that the message is that you want punters to gamble responsibly & not listen to the bullshit that others will tell you about possible ‘inside info’ . Isn’t it all bullshit anyway ,or does the racing committee already know the outcome of each race !
Why do you insist that moronic voice over guy in your ads. Again, is this an assumption that all punters are ill educated, D socio economic drop kicks ? Get an advertising agency for Christ sake & don’t do it internally !
“BS responsibly”as the last 5 second branding moment in SportsBet advertising looks like a subliminal message to gamblers –
“Bullshit to responsible gambling”
What’s the regulator doing letting them get away with this BS.