Socially conscious toilet paper brand ‘Who Gives a Crap’ raises $24,000 in its first 24 hours in new campaign via Naked Communications Melbourne


Who Gives A Crap Launch Media Release.jpgNaked Communications Melbourne and Good Goods claims their campaign to launch socially conscious toilet paper brand ‘Who Gives a Crap’ has raised $24,000 in its first 24 hours.

The project uses crowd-funding to raise money for the first commercial production run of a new line of philanthropic toilet paper that uses 50% of its profits to build toilets in the developing world.

Watch Griffiths sit on the toilet LIVE via webcam (don’t worry – no bad camera angles!)

The campaign uses the IndieGoGo platform to secure donations in exchange for pre-ordering the product and receiving additional rewards.

Jointly developed between Naked Communciations and Good Goods the initiative is the latest example of crowd-funded support for start-ups.

As part of the campaign, GoodGoods CEO, Simon Griffiths, has committed to remaining seated atop the official Who Gives A Crap toilet until the campaign raises its first $50,000.

Help get Simon off the loo by visiting and telling your friends #whogivesacrap

Says Griffiths: “I’m not leaving this toilet until we raise $50,000.”

Although the Who Gives A Crap product is undoubtedly cheeky, it’s addressing a very serious problem. 2.4 billion people (almost 40% of the world’s population) do not have access to basic sanitation. This results in water borne illnesses that kill 4,000 children under the age of five every single day. This problem is one hundred percent preventable, but at current rates of sanitation improvement will not be addressed globally until 2080.

That’s why Griffiths and his team created Who Gives A Crap.

Says Griffiths: “This is a new line of toilet paper that uses 50% of its profits to build toilets and improve sanitation in the developing world. In collaboration with WaterAid, we’re helping the world’s poorest people access clean water, sanitation and hygiene education. A product that everyone needs is now helping those in need.”

Recipients of several business plan awards and international fellowships, the team working on Who Gives A Crap have spent the last two years perfecting the product, coordinating logistics and developing the launch strategy. After extensive product testing the start-up is ‘ready to roll’.

Says Griffiths: “Our final step is to place our first bulk production order and now we need the help of the public.”

To fund the production run, Griffiths today announced the launch of Who Gives A Crap’s official crowdfunding campaign. The mission is simple: to raise a minimum of $50,000 to produce the first bulk lot of toilet paper, suitably entitled First Edition. Who Gives A Crap supporters on IndieGoGo get to pre-order the product and receive additional rewards.

Griffiths’ unyielding conviction has inspired a personal pledge well beyond the call of duty. Griffiths is quite literally sitting down for what he believes in, announcing that he will remain seated atop the official Who Gives A Crap toilet until the crowdfunding campaign raises its first $50,000. His pledge, like his conviction, is indefinite and can be witnessed now via a live webcam at