Seen+Noted: PlayStation takes over Oxford Circus Tube station signage in eyecatching stunt to launch PS5 in the UK
November 19 2020, 2:26 pm | | 14 Comments

The existing London Underground logo is one of the four icons that make up the controls of a Sony PlayStation gaming console. In a clever outdoor stunt to launch PS5, PlayStation has incorporated the other three logos in a takeover of the Oxford Circus Tube station signage for 48 hours.
The clever stunt is gaining huge publicity around the world.
“We wanted to make the U.K. launch an unmissable event and celebrate it in a playful way with our fans by bringing together a British icon, the London Underground sign, with the iconic PlayStation shapes.” Said Warwick Light, VP at PlayStation UK.

You’d be pretty pissed after getting this idea live that it is happening during a lockdown when literally no one is out to see this.
I doubt anyone involved in this idea has any regrets.
It is everywhere.
you’re seeing it.
How does something like that happen?
Surely the local council would tell them to bolt if they asked to construct lampposts with fakes signs for an ad campaign?
Compare the genuine creativity in this advertising idea with the mediocrity in most Australian advertising.
I’ve seen Americans with no connection to ad-land reposting it, talking about how cool it is.
There are severe delays on the Central, Bakerloo and Victoria lines. There is a good service on all other London Underground and Overground lines.
But… work in Australian advertising yeah?
Not any more.
It’s a good, simple idea. A lot of people are seeing it, doesn’t matter what’s going on locally. We all wish we did that kind of work here but we don’t. We complain about everything on here but do nothing to back it. Move on.
It’s called the internet, sweetie, look it up
No one would notice it if you didn’t see all the shots together in a PR release, and just came upon one of them at a time….which doesn’t really matter because that’s how everyone will experience it, through online media. Then after they’ll see it in the street (if their enough out there in the real world and it wasn’t just done for the photography)
Not their, they’re.
Word on the street is the idea originated from Mediacom. Yeah that’s right a media agency.