Seeing MS gallery attracts over 600 uploads of photographic interpretations of MS in first week
In only its first week, the online gallery of photographic interpretations of multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms in the powerful new Seeing MS campaign has already received more than 600 images from over 40 countries.
In mid March Grey Melbourne collaborated with Infinity Squared, Limehouse Creative and some of Australia’s best photographers to launch Seeing MS, a collection of photographic interpretations of the invisible symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
Says Jan Staunton, group manager, Marketing and Communications of MS: “It’s very encouraging to see so many images representing the symptoms of MS being uploaded. To have our community openly discussing MS and the Seeing MS project is a good start to raising awareness”.
Originally the Seeing MS app was only intended to be available in Australia, however requests quickly came in from all over the world. The app has now been downloaded in over 40 countries including the UK, USA, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, China, Argentina, Norway, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Greece, Spain and Germany.
Gerry Hanan, a US based fashion photographer who has MS is the most recent contributor to the campaign. His self-portrait (pictured) for MS is an interpretation of brain fog, one of his main symptoms.
The Seeing MS project will conclude with an exhibition of the photography at the end of April.
Agency: Grey, Melbourne
Executive Creative Director: Michael Knox
Creative team: Laura Petruccelli, Rohan Cooke
Business Director: Claudia McInerney
Senior Account Manager: Catherine McDonald
Strategy Planning: Alice Atherton, Harry Steinhart
Head of Broadcast: Sandi Gracin
Digital Director: Teresa Truda
Filter Development: Limehouse Creative
Designer: Claudia di Martino
Film Production: Infinity Squared
Film Director: Aaron McLisky
Film Producer: Morgan Taylor
Editor: Dylan Duclos
Managing Partner/EP: Dave Jansen
Photographers: Sara Orme, Jamie MacFadyen, Andreas Smetana, Matt Hoyle, Toby Burrows, Nicholas Walton-Healey, Juliet Taylor, Garth Oriander, Gerry Hanan and Louis Petruccelli
MS Group Manager: Jan Staunton, MS