SBS launches World Cup ad campaign tonight via US, Sydney – meet the world’s biggest fans


SBS-botha.jpgTonight SBS will launch its official 2010 FIFA World Cup multi-platform, multilingual advertising campaign spanning television, online and radio.

The campaign, developed by US Sydney, highlights the truly global appeal of the event and adds new voice to the worldwide passion for football.

Airing from tonight on SBS ONE and SBS TWO is a series of 15-30 sec mini docos that feature the biggest fan from each World Cup participating nation, telling their story in the language of their nation (with subtitles for languages other than English) and sharing their passion for the game.


In early June a section within launch, featuring all of the fans found around the globe. Thiswill allow access to their stories and insights into the footballersthey support.

Then in the opening ceremony of the World Cup, a 3minute World Chant will launch featuring an original song created by USSydney and Nylon studios and featuring all of the fans discovered onthe project.

SBS Director of Marketing Jacquie Riddell said:”The FIFA World Cup attracts the most passionate sporting fans in theglobal community and we’re excited by this campaign because it reallytells the stories of fans while also educating and exciting viewersabout the game, the countries participating and the tournament itself.”

JoshMoore, ECD at US Sydney said: “The SBS World Cup project has been anamazing experience for the team, having created the idea last year, thecreative team (Adrian Ely & Nigel Clark) have spent the last 5months finding the world’s biggest football fans, they also wrote thechant and travelled around the world capturing the chosen fans’stories; they have had a once in a lifetime experience.

“This isUS Sydney’s first foray into creating content for advertising and withthe help of executive producer Roy De Giorgio and DoP Jason HargreavesI’m happy to say the result is truly beautiful.”

Agency: US Sydney

Production Company: US Sydney

Directors: Roy De Giorgio, Adrian Ely, Nigel Clark

DOP: Jason Hargreaves

ECD: Josh Moore

Art Director: Adrian Ely

Copywriter: Nigel Clark

Agency Producer: Roy De Giorgio and Cate Stewart

Editor: Sam Wilson

Account Director: Alex Tracy

Sound: Nylon