Sandy Rudd has been poached from M&C Saatchi to the Creative Group Head DM position at Leo Burnett, Sydney to work alongside Vicky Burrough. Rudd’s appointment completes the creative management line up and will help continue to drive the agency’s new model, according to national creative director, Mark Collis.
Says Rudd: “After almost five years at M&C Saatchi it was time for a new challenge. The Leo Burnett opportunity interested me because of the creative culture and vision they have adopted for the future growth and direction of the agency. This vision is evident most recently in their performance at Cannes – it’s something I find exciting and am definitely looking forward to being part of. I am also looking forward to the opportunity to be part of a management team that shares the same values and passion for creating memorable ideas.”
Sandy, you are a ‘mover and shaker of the future’. Read any good books lately?
Sandy, you’ve changed!! good on you, lets meet for s beer soon. GP
Good stuff Sandy sorry I missed your leaving drinks, I was still in the shower!
I thought Chris Round was the group head of DM?
On ya Sandy. YG
No 4:01 PM Roundy is ‘Head of Innovations’ a bit like his Naked role, should last longer too.
Michael, I have a suggestion: perhaps you could encourage CDs to post more print work/posters on this site. These mediums are, after all, regarded as the purest form.The only print stuff I recall seeing on the CB blog has been from Marketforce and, more recently, DDB Sydney. Oh, and the Ikea ad.More print/posters would be a nice change. What do my fellow bloggers think
DM is lame
1.34, Mark Collis apparently shares your view.
A respected senior was telling me recently that it’s easier to get promoted in DM than ATL because nobody really wants to do it/there’s much less competition.You don’t really have to win awards, he said. You just stick around and you’ll advance. Whereas with ATL you really have to be continually doing kick arse work.Do we agree?
Hey 8:58,Could your ‘respected senior’ point me in the direction of all this “kick-arse work” he speaks of?
5:07pm you’re easily confused aren’t you.The senior in question was making a point that advancing in DM is, comparatively, much much easier.For the record, he’s scored at Cannes more than once.Just whether you agree or disagree with his point and why. Are you capable of that?
I agree. There are good DM creatives but generally it’s easier to go places. To get to group creative head in mainstream at a place like Leo Burnetts you have to be a top shelf creative.Does Sandy Rudd have a CB ranking?
You’re all right.The ‘Easy Off Bam’ and ‘Telstra – Dustin Hoffman’ TVC’s are really awesome examples of ATL work that’s happeing in the industry at the moment. The CD’s should be very proud.Discuss.
5:42pm the issue is not what arena does better work, ATL or DM, it’s whether it’s easier to advance in DM.If you make it to group creative head in mainstream at an agency like Leos, DDB, Clems etc then you have to be bloody good.There’s a lot of evidence to suggest that the same cannot be said for DM i.e just stick around and you’ll advance coz someone has to do it.
Does Sandy Rudd have a CB ranking?
9:07,To put it bluntly, I think you’re talking out of your arse. I know plenty of ATL group heads that aren’t that flash. Likewise for BTL. I don’t think it’s any easier in one than the other. What I do think is that the terms ‘above the line’ and ‘below the line’ represent old-school thinking.
ATL, mainstream….DM/BTL. New names for the same thing. It’s a peripheral matter.The vast majority of creative group heads in mainstream at big agencies are big awarded players in advertising.Their DM counterparts are there because the numbers need to be made up.The proof is in the rankings/awards.