Renowned designer Dr Ken Cato set to run a series of workshops for USC students this week
The internationally renowned designer behind many of Australia’s most recognisable logos, brands and trademarks, Dr Ken Cato (left), will run a series of workshops for students at the University of the Sunshine Coast this week.
Dr Cato, who heads Melbourne company Cato Brand Partners, was recently appointed as an officer of the Order of Australia (AO) for his services to the design industry.
His clients have included major corporations like Macquarie Bank, Coles and the Seven Network.
USC computer-based digital design lecturer Dr Debra Livingston said 20 of her students would attend the intensive week-long workshops starting Monday 16 September.
Says Livingston: “They will be working through ‘design thinking’, how to view and draw information, to find the pivotal point and to develop smarter concepts around the design brief to design differently.
“This is an ideal opportunity for USC design students to work alongside, gain insight and learn from one of the industry’s most experienced and well-regarded professionals.
“Ken is very passionate about sharing his knowledge and educating young designers. USC is very fortunate to have him leading this workshop which will focus on integrating typography and layout.”
Dr Cato, whose work covers all facets of corporate design and brand management and is an Adjunct Professor at USC.
1 Comment
Will Nick be speaking to them next week?