Recession-Driven Innovation + Impact: How three agencies are excelling amid economic challenges

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Recession-Driven Innovation + Impact: How three agencies are excelling amid economic challenges

(Pictured L-R: Dan Beaumont (GAME Creative), Sharon Zeev Poole (Agent99) and Elzanne Strydom (Connected Culture) at The Ace Hotel for the panel Innovation and Impact: Achieving Cut Through in a Tough Economic Market)

As businesses grapple with a continuing economic slowdown, marketing and PR agencies are shifting focus towards innovation and data-driven strategies to meet client demands. With companies prioritizing short-term revenue over long-term brand building, agencies are focused on finding ways to innovate on tight budgets, whilst still delivering measurable results.


In a recent industry roundtable at The Ace Hotel, three Sydney-based independent agencies – Agent99, GAME Creative and Connected Culture – gathered to discuss the role of innovation in PR and marketing during challenging economic times.

Specialising in different disciplines within the industry, each agency offered their own perspective on the issue and their core focus right now when delivering results for clients.

1. Innovation & Measurable Impact in Public Relations

With tightening budgets, clients are increasingly demanding measurable results from their PR efforts. PR, which was historically designed to influence consumer outcomes and manage reputations, is now expected to act as an accountable sales tool. Fortunately, widely available digital tools allow earned-first campaigns to be tracked and measured more precisely.

Says Sharon Zeev Poole, founder and director of full-service PR agency Agent99: “There’s a misconception that PR is ‘airy fairy,’ but with the likes of Google Analytics and different software at our fingertips, we now have the capability to track the direct impact of coverage on website traffic and business outcomes,” she said, highlighting that today’s PR campaigns are more accountable than ever before.

When it comes to creating more innovative PR campaigns, a massive investment to achieve cut through isn’t required.

Says Poole: “Innovation in PR is about trying new platforms, experimenting with different approaches, and tweaking strategies to connect with audiences in cost-effective ways, rather than large-scale activations and ideas – which is often what’s expected from PR.”

2. The Tension Between Innovation and Safety

Many brands are torn between innovating and sticking with “proven and safe” strategies. While short-termism is rife in business, and there’s a battle between managing costs and driving revenue. This hesitation often results from a fear of making costly mistakes, and it can prevent businesses from standing out in a crowded marketplace.

Elzanne Strydom, CEO of Connected Culture, a performance marketing agency, insists agencies are urging clients to innovate out of necessity: “In performance marketing, if we don’t innovate, we die,” she explained, referencing the rapid changes in platforms like TikTok and AI-driven tools. “You can test and iterate quickly, which makes innovation not only possible but essential.”

3. Bravery and Differentiation in a Crowded Marketplace

Dan Beaumont, founder of GAME Creative, also believes that to achieve growth in tough times, brands must be willing to take calculated risks, not leaps of faith: “Growth often comes at the expense of competitors, so you need to out manoeuvre them by being more distinctive and compelling with how you address your audience.”

Beaumont encourages businesses to focus on understanding their brand voice and being consistent in their messaging, even with limited resources: “Now is the time for brands to have the basics right and promote themselves with confidence and conviction, despite economic uncertainty.”