Radio ad revenue softer for 2012

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Joan-Warner-CRA-CEO_normal.jpgThe commercial radio industry ended the calendar year slightly down by 1.28% in metropolitan advertising revenue compared to calendar year 2011, with the five metropolitan markets generating a total of $674.020 million for the year, according to figures released today by industry body, Commercial Radio Australia.

The 2012 Metropolitan Commercial Radio Advertising Revenue figures, sourced by Deloitte, show that total advertising revenue for 2012 compared to 2011, was down in all markets except for Perth.

Advertising revenue for 2012 shows Sydney down 1.71% to $208.657 million, Melbourne down 1.19% to $202.330 million, Adelaide down 0.19% to $64.645 million, Brisbane down 2.52% to $106.824 million and Perth up 0.27% to $91.562 million.

Joan Warner (pictured), chief executive officer of Commercial Radio Australia said the results for 2012 reflected the tough economic conditions being experienced across the country.

Says Warner: “Radio has had a softer year but once again has shown its resilience and competed well when compared to other traditional media. Results for the year show patchy figures for the five metropolitan markets with some performing better than others at different times, again dependent on local influencing factors.”

Warner said the December figures reflect this trend.

Says Warner: “The industry experienced a strong November but in December there has been a small overall fall of 0.91%, but with both Melbourne and Perth recording good growth.”

The Metropolitan Commercial Radio Advertising Revenue figures, sourced by Deloitte, for the month of December show Sydney down 2.09% to $15.529 million: Melbourne up 2.66% to $16.371million, Adelaide down 1.36% to $5.027 million, Perth up 2.56% to $7.716 million and Brisbane down 7.77% to $8.354 million.

The Deloitte figures report total metropolitan radio revenue received for each calendar month and include all direct and agency revenue.

Warner said however that the industry ended the year on a positive note with an increase in its average weekly audience.

Latest metropolitan ratings figures show 9.5 million people listened to commercial radio each week in 2012 – up from 9.4 million people the previous year.* Of this audience, radio reached 85% of 10-17 year olds each week, followed by 79% of people aged 40–54 years and 78% of 18-24 year olds.


On average, Australians spent nearly 16 hours a week listening to commercial radio in 2012 with breakfast remaining the most popular timeslot, followed by drive. Nielsen data also shows that in 2012 commercial radio reached over 60% of Australians in their car each week.

*Source Nielsen Radio Ratings, Survey 1-8 2012. Total People 10+ Mon-Sun Midnight to Midnight unless otherwise stated, all commercial and digital listening. Figures averaged out across the 8 surveys.