The bubbles were flowing at the sold out 2008 MADC Awards last night atPeninsula, Docklands, when George Patterson Y&R took out the Bestof Show for the Cadbury Schweppes ‘Burst’ COMMERCIAL which captures theidea of Schweppervesence. The visually compelling TVC uses brightlycoloured water balloons and emotive music from The Cinematic Orchestraand was intended to appeal to consumers of all ages.
Says JamesProcter, President of the MADC: “All the winners and finalists can feelextremely proud. MADC has a history of being a very tough show to winand this year is no different. I think that as an industry, we’ve shownagain that Melbourne consistently produces world standard work. I haveno doubt we will be seeing a lot of these pieces again at internationalaward shows.”
The ‘Rockstar or Roadie’ themed event showcased thebest of Melbourne’s creative talent across 69 categories. The panel ofjudges reviewed the works of 86 organisations, up ten per cent on lastyear, and in total, 106 awards were presented.
The winners of thehighly prized Gold awards in 2008 were: Best Small Space PressAdvertisement for Cancer Council ‘Mole’ via The Campaign Palace, Best45+ Second Television/Cinema Commercial for TAC ‘Pictures Of You’ viaGrey and George Patterson Y&R for Cadbury Schweppes ‘Burst’, BestFilm Direction to Mark Molloy of Exit Films for TAC ‘Pictures Of You’and to Garth Davis of Exit Films for Cadbury Schweppes ‘Burst’, BestCinematography to Greig Fraser of Exit Films for Cadbury Schweppes’Burst’ and to Greig Fraser of Exit Films for Nokia ‘Fairytale’ viaLowe Worldwide.
Other highlights of the night included awarding ofthe MRPPP Award for Honorary Life Membership to Ron Mather, partner atThe Cavalry, the Blackley Award for Creative Leader of the Year to ExitFilms, the MADC Award for Account Service of the Year to Paul McMillanof Clemenger BBDO, and the Leo Burnett Award for Client of the Year toCadbury Schweppes and to NAB.
Ben Coulson, ECD of George Patterson Y&R, who is currently on thePromo jury in Cannes told CB: “To make a campaign that wins the bigprize on the night is a special thing, to be able to do it with CadburySchweppes makes it all the more enjoyable. They are a very fittingclient of the year. It was no small task to make this kind of work within their culture. A big thanks to Garth and the awesome Exit team.
“Not so long ago our industry would have laughed at the idea of Cadbury Schweppes being on the stage at the end of the show. I’m very proud of all the loyal Patts staff who gritted their teeth through a slightly tough year last year – it’s good to be back on top form.”
Ron Mather has been an active member ofthe MADC for over twenty-five years and has been awarded almost everymajor international and local advertising award, including being twicevoted Australian Creative Director of the Year by BRW magazine. Matherhas also judged at Cannes and D&AD, and was the first Australian tobe Chairman of Judges at the Clio Awards.
George Patterson Y&R – Best of Show, 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze
Grey – 1 Gold, 5 Bronze
Clemenger BBDO – 2 Silver, 4 Bronze
The Campaign Palace – 1 Gold
Marilyn & Sons – 1 Silver, 3 Bronze
M&C Saatchi – 1 Silver, 3 Bronze
Clemenger Proximity – 1 Silver, 1 Bronze
CumminsNitro – 4 Bronze
Clemenger Blue – 3 Bronze
Leo Burnett – 3 Bronze
The Surgery – 3 Bronze
DDB – 2 Bronze
Publicis Mojo – 2 Bronze
Visual Jazz – 2 Bronze
Citrus – 1 Bronze
Hive Creative – 1 Bronze
Igloo – 1 Bronze
Lifelounge – 1 Bronze
Wunderman – 1 Bronze
*Not including Craft awards, except agency produced, such as Copywriting, Art Direction and Typography.
For a full list of winners and finalists across all 69 categories download the PDF:
You can download images by clicking on the image, then ‘all sizes’ in the top left hand corner, choose your size and download.
I’m hurting pretty bad right now overseeing another viewing of Thomas the Tank Engine with my kids, but last night was a bloody good show.
Well done to the committee. Quick, to the point, and the music really filled that shit time where you wait for the recipients to pick up.
Good job.
Well done Patts. This is a nice fresh start after a pretty unstable couple of years. Well done Ben and Jim, your price just went up in Melbourne. And if you go overseas…well….I’ll speak to you in Cannes….
Im in the schweppes ad! im one of the kids hitting the balloons lol.
my feet might be there too!
Burst deserved it. Simple, single-minded idea extremely well executed. But most importantly, it was totally true to the Schweppes brand – a rare thing indeed!
urgh…. my head hurts
Agreed, 8:56am. The committee did a top job. That was the best of the numerous MADC dinners that I’ve been to over the years, by far. No clunky gags from half-witted comedians attempting to fill massive gaps in the evening, just balls out rock! The biggest gig that band’s ever likely to play, but they did themselves proud. As did I. My brain’s hurting bad.
Goodonya Cuz and Jim.
Happy to see Patts back where they belong. Hard earned boys, but I bet you feel validated this morning (and bloody hung over).
Not a bad first year in the chair Coulson. Well done Jim & Cuz. You’re Still Poons though!
A worthy winner, well done in a very tough year.
Pictures of you is also world class. Melbourne seems to be going strong as usual.
Look forward to seeing them both do well on the world circuit.
Hey Benno,
bet you wish you were there to pick up on the night, and pick up on the night.
Hope you are working hard in France.
Massive night. One of the best award shows i’ve been to. Absolutely rocking!
Congrats to the crew at Patts. TAC is great ad too but to do that ad on Cadbury….. deserving winner.
off to spew
That’s good news. Burst was beautiful. Music cool too. Lot of feeling.
Thanks, James. Last night was the best MADC awards night I have ever attended. The MADC is extremely fortunate to have you as president. Keep up the good work both on the committee and at Cummins. Incidentally, it’s also god to see Cummins starting to land some creative blows, too. If I had one of those blue fluro lights they have on CSI, I’m sure I’d see your fingerprints all over things. Whether you’re CDing or writing, there’s your distinct authorship, no doubt. Well done.
You may wish to wipe the cum from the side of your mouth.
(Unless, of course, you’re taking the piss. Rather than the cum.)
Patts won the coaches award – for when everyone else felt sorry for them so they “really should get something to keep their chins up”. It was a sympathy vote. Pictures is a far more original and effective piece than the Schweppes (I mean Sony Balls) spot, and should have taken out best.
Oh, and Patts creatives, your anonymous blogging is too transparent, you need to wait a bit longer before you pepper the blog with you own self praise, then it will blend in more.
Good luck in the international awards, where the wheat is sorted from the chaff.
How could such a beautiful thing be made by such ugly fuckers! Just Kidding.
Well done Ben, Jim & Ben.
8:59, I just threw up in my mouth. And it’s not because of my hangover.
Notable absence of Clems and Mojo on the podium… just a blip?
They’re large and flesh coloured. Last seen throwing at the patts boys.
That night is going to be hard to top. Shat on AWARD.
how good was tthe band? does anyone know the name of the band?
Well done to all at Patts. That’s what happens when you keep your heads down.
A question for blogger 11:10.
Did you win anything on Friday night?
If not, and youre from another part of the country/ world, then please let us all know the ‘wheat’ you’ve entered in the international awards this year.
You must have been on some good shit 5:04.
Clems had 11 visits to the podium across BBDO (6), Blue (3) and Proximity (2).
I think we won!
Judges don’t give sympathy votes, you retard.
Finally someone can run an event! Top night!
Clems staffer 9:24, watch the Olympics in August – you’ll find it’s hard to win overall without wining GOLD.
But if you want to count, then lets look at dollars spent on creative and production v awards.
Great night. I’ve just recovered from my hangover, three days later!
I like it how the most expensive ad of the year was just in the montage at the beginning and that was the last we saw of it. I wonder what it was? Super Pooper Sky Trooper.
8.59 – A fluoro CSI light? if someone’s contribution is not visible to the naked eye, then you really have to wonder.
Well done GPYR, well done Grey.
Well done Clemenger for winning awards for more than one client and more than one piece of work.
And a big, huge bravo to Marilyn & Sons! Keep up the awesome stuff Christian!
I’d like to hear from the poor people in the TAC ad how they feel about winning gold at MADC.
Or didn’t anyone tell them that their pain and grieving would be used to the benefit of the agency..
a great night agreed. also agreed that schweppes took out top prize. tac was close, but schweppes is world class. makes me sick to say it, but well done jim and cuz. it’s scary, but you guys seem to be the ones to beat at the moment. shit.
What 12:13, are we only allowed to recognise superficial ads at industry award shows? You chump.
Personally I’d like to congratulate the most talented creative in Melbourne, Greg Fraiser. He’s FUCKEN good at what he does and has more gold than any other tosser her (inc me).
He should have won creative leader of the year.
Grats to you champ, and keep making our turds less so.
10.44. Do you actually think that the Carlton Skytroop was worth nothing?
Right on, 12:13. Finally some perspective.
Your hangovers from a night spent pissing in each other’s pockets will have long passed by now.
But the pain those people in the TAC ads feel will never go away.
Jees you’re a self-indulgent, shallow lot of tossers.
awesome night – picked up twice!! (and im not talking about an award, that was only once:)
Sorry, but Pictures was a channel changer for me. Real suffering may work, I hope it does, but a lot of people like me can’t bear it and turn over (or off). It’s time the TAC changed tack (boom-boom) and maybe found a new strategy, the way Worksafe has managed to do.
Burst was the better ad, and it was for a product rather than a cause – which I still believe is much harder to sell.
OK 12:13 and 5:47, ease up on the false piety, and let’s get some real ‘perspective’ here. The TAC ‘Pictures of you’ ad was, in my books, an incredibly powerful one. In fact, it moved me to tears in a way that most other ads couldn’t, because it used real people with real tragedies in their life. And those people chose to be in the ad because they wanted to help get the message across to the public that speeding does kill and does destroy lives, like their own, hence the need for speed cameras. Now I seriously doubt that the creatives were there on the shoot wringing their hands gleefully as these people opened their hearts out on screen. Do you really think they were? And do you really think that the people in this commercial would begrudge our industry for awarding this ad for its powerfulness, and the creatives for accepting that award? I don’t.
Now if you really want some perspective, get off this blog, get out of the industry, and go work for a charity that helps people deal with loss. Otherwise, get fucked.
8:51. That’s the first time I’ve ever heard a preacher say “Get fucked” at the finish of a sermon.
It’s fucking advertising. I suggest the three of you get over it, and yourselves.
Fuckity fuck fuck.
8:51, it’s 5:47 here.
I did listen to my conscience and I did get out of the industry.
What’s your smarty-pants response to that?
Two great ads, well awarded, and there still manages to be sniping comments… Ah, the blog.
they should have given best in show to the small space ad.
That was brilliant.
But MADC would never give best in show to a small space ad…has to keep up appearances and all.
5:47, if you’re out of the industry, what philanthropic quest have you taken up now that requires you to keep up-to-date with this blog?
hmmm. Possibly the best awards night I’ve ever been to. Well done MADC. It rocked. For so many reasons!
But….. “Burst’.. awarding a camera technique is a bit… um.. 80’s, no?
TAC – been done before. Many times.
But hey, good on y’all. Hope you all had as good a night as i did.
camera technique…. gold lion….. fuck you very much.
…now that you have to eat your words, how would you like it served?