Paper Moose launches Buy One, Give One initiative – working to drive positive, lasting change

Last night, Paper Moose kicked up its heels to celebrate a decade in-market, announcing a new direction for the agency, as ‘The change makers’. After switching from a production house to a creative hybrid agency over the past decade, it’s looking to spend the next 10 years working to drive positive, lasting change.
The agency announced its first initiative, an ongoing ‘Buy One, Give One’ program for clients. With every large campaign, Paper Moose will donate time and resources to selected organisations working to decarbonise our economy and transition us to a more sustainable way of life. The agency hopes to see these positive relationships continue into the future.
Says Nick Hunter, CEO and co-founder of Paper Moose: “The world has changed and consumers in 2021 expect more from brands. Our impact on communities and the planet is being felt everywhere and people are looking to brands to fix the problem. As part of our new direction, we want to also help facilitate and accelerate that change.”
An example of an organisation Paper Moose is hoping to help is Vow Food, who are working to create cultured meats that don’t harm the environment. All beneficiaries will be hand picked by the agency, with clients selecting who receives creative time and resources.
Says James Sykes, head of strategy at Paper Moose: “The creative industry has helped businesses sell stuff for a long time, but today that same creativity needs to help new technologies flourish, and inventive Australian companies showcase what they’re doing. Our client’s success remains our number one job but it’s time for our agency magic to accelerate deployment of the technologies that will save us.”
For organisations and business wanting to know more, visit

1 Comment
Brands are ultimately responsible for the sustainability of the planet. More to the point,customers will lead brands to take up the baton . Brands that don’t, will ultimately have no customers QED . Paper Moose is the enabler and leader . Let’s support this essential campaign.