Palace CEO Jacques Burger to return to South Africa to head up M&C Saatchi Abel, Jo’burg


Burger_Jacques_Mar10.JPGAs expected by many in the industry, The Campaign Palace national CEO Jacques Burger is stepping down after two years at the helm to return to South Africa to head up M&C Saatchi Abel’s new Johannesburg office, which opens October 1, with friend and creative director Vumile Mavumengwana as partner.

“Jacques has successfully steered The Palace through great change and helped re-establish its creative reputation. He has also been key in securing fresh new talent for the agency in creative, digital and planning,” says TCP executive chairman Mark Mackay, who returned to The Palace in June. “We wish him well in his new post.”

Says Burger: “I have had a tremendous time at The Palace. The agency has great clients, some of the most famous brands in Australia and great people. I have enormous respect for their thinking, work and most importantly, their values.  I know that The Palace will continue to do well under the leadership of Mark and his team.

“My family and I have loved living in Australia but an unexpected andphenomenally exciting opportunity to join M&C in South Africa, workwith old friends and back the Springboks unashamedly (even when theydon’t deserve it) have all influenced what was a tough decision in theend.”

Mackay said he expected to announce a new managing director for the Sydney office shortly.