Old Spice’s Wild collection shows the dangerous side of masculinity in new spots via W+K Portland
February 6 2013, 3:35 pm | | 6 Comments
Old Spice via Wieden + Kennedy, Portland, has launched two new spots for its Wild collection; a sophisticated line-up of man smells that helps guys answer the smell of the wild, representing the dangerous side of masculinity and inspired by the personality attributes, eating habits and mating rituals of wild animals.
Creative Agency – Wieden + Kennedy Portland
Director – Tom Kuntz
Executive Creative Director – Mark Fitzloff
Executive Creative Director – Susan Hoffman
Creative Director – Jason Bagley
Creative Director – Craig Allen
Production Company – MJZ
In isolation, moderately funky. If trying a tad hard.
Seen through the prism of previous work, deeply disappointing.
Think you’ll have egg on your face when this picks up everywhere my good man.
Original, engaging, relevant. What more do you want? I’d be proud to have them on my reel.
very close to the most interesting man in the world
Mmmmm, egg on face. Delicious.
These are damned good and damned smart ads.
I smiled on the first run through. Watching them again showed how clever they are.
They manage to break from formula and be entertaining to watch. But they still have all the usual mandatory elements that the kings of packaged goods insist on going into ads in this category. Yeah, I’d love them on my reel.
there is some truth in advertising……..Old Spice smells like the anal glands of a wolf…or so I am led to believe.