Ogilvy Sydney’s Lucas Fowler and Jack Burton take Gold in Round 3 of Young Glory
Lucas Fowler (left) and Jack Burton (right) from Ogilvy Sydney have joined Peter Emil Birkvig and Sophie Amalie Fälling from DMJX Copenhagen as Gold winners in Round 3 of the global ‘creative consistency’ competition Young Glory.
The round was judged by TAXI Toronto ECDs Kelsey Horne and Alexis Bronstorph, who tasked participants with the difficult brief of getting consumers to consider insects as a meal item. Only two teams received accolades in what turned out to be a tough round of judging.
Says Brendan Graham, co-founder, Young Glory: “This is the unique thing about Young Glory’s format. Over the course of 8 months, we have 8 different global leaders who judge in 8 very different ways.”
The current brief for Young Glory has been set by Australian entrepreneur Simon ‘Woody’ Wood, who founded Sneaker Freaker and is tasking participants with a brief about Space Jam 2.
Round 3 winning ideas can be seen here: http://www.youngglory.com/results/19-20/round-3
yes lads!
Releasing results!