NRMA Insurance’s Crashed Car Showroom interactive exhibition via Whybin\TBWA Sydney wins Best in Show at Sydney Royal Easter Show


unnamed.jpgAfter two weeks housed on York Street in the Sydney CBD where it caught the attention of national TV news crews, the NRMA Insurance Crashed Car Showroom has been named ‘Best in Show’ at the Sydney Royal Easter Show.

The NRMA Insurance Crashed Car Showroom is an interactive exhibition created by Whybin\TBWA Sydney to raise awareness about the importance of road safety and help Australians make informed car purchasing decisions. The Showroom demonstrates what it’s like to be a crash test dummy via the power of Oculus Rift, as well as exposing the interior of a fully dissected car to show hidden safety technology.

The Showroom was also awarded Gold in the Tech Area at the Sydney Royal Easter Show.