No Easter gimmick – it’s the Outdoor Awards


Pigeons 004-web.jpgMore than 250 fine quality, handmade chocolate pigeons are being flown across Australia this week to entice creatives to enter their best outdoor media campaigns in the Outdoor Awards.

The awards are free to enter and open to any outdoor advertising campaign that has been run in an Australian market in the 16 months between 1 January 2008 and 30 April 2009 (when entries close). All entry details are at

The Outdoor Awards, sponsored by the Outdoor Media Association (OMA),offer prizes across 11 categories with the best overall winner set toreceive 10,000 $1 scratchies.

Winners will be judged by aninternational panel of renowned creatives, including the Glue Society’sJonathan Kneebone, John Merrifield (Cannes Grand Prix Outdoor Winner& ECD TBWA Asia/Pacific), Leo Premutico (Johannes Leonardo, NewYork), Ewan Paterson (CHI London), Joe Staples (Weiden & Kennedy,Portland) and Carlos Bayala (Madre, Buenos Aires).

HelenWilloughby of the OMA said the unusual first prize was last monthunveiled on a large billboard on Parramatta Road in Sydney’s westshortly after the completion of a 10,000km truck journey acrossAustralia which was  undertaken to promote the awards.

“The 12 metreby 3 metre billboard took 4 days to assemble and was passed by almost100,000 cars a day for four weeks, not to mention being guarded 24hours a day by a burly security guard,” Ms Willoughby said.

“Itshowcased the Outdoor Awards’ golden pigeon logo – now featured in richdark chocolate – and as a piece of creative received internationalattention, coming second in an online creative poll in the UnitedStates.

“The truck journey took three weeks taking in stunningsights such as the Uluru car park, the Pimba roadhouse and miles andmiles of Nullabor desert.  It was used to launch the new awards anddirect creatives to the website.”

Ms Willoughby said they wereconfident the chocolate pigeons would further fuel creatives’ desire toshowcase their best outdoor material.

“We then intend to round off our own campaign with a not-to-be-missed party in June in celebration of great outdoor creative.”

For more information about The Outdoor Awards, contact Helen Willoughby of the OMA on (02) 8356 9000 or email: