SBS_T084_MK_RSB_FINAL.jpgSBS, via agency US, Sydney has launched a new trade press campaign targeting marketers. ‘Avoid the Clutter’ illustrates how clutter is burning advertisers’ marketing budgets and reinforces awareness that SBS has the shortest advertising breaks on television.

The first of two executions, ‘Pleasure Max’, will launch this week.  The copy reads:  “Avoid the clutter. Don’t let your brand get mixed up with all the others.  Our commercial breaks are shorter than any other network’s, so you get 83% better recall and an audience that’s 45% more engaged.  Advertise with SBS and let your brand stand out from the rest.”

Over the next few weeks, an additional, equally entertaining execution will be revealed that communicates the advantages of SBS’s powerful, low clutter advertising environment.

SBS Director of Commercial Affairs, Richard Finlayson, said: “To reinforce the fact that SBS is the best place for advertisers tell their stories, we need to tell our own story in a manner really cuts through.  

“I congratulate the SBS sales communications team and our creative agency, US, for this humorous and impactful campaign.”

SBS launched its Really Short Breaks brand in September 2008, with creative executions that employed optical illusions to communicate the concept that ‘things look bigger in a small space’. 

The campaign launched in advertising trade media and was extended for use in SBS sales presentations, sales reels, events and communications during the campaign period.  A new Really Short breaks logo was also developed, in both print and electronic formats.

‘Avoid the Clutter’ will have similar extensions, as well as collateral based on the images.


Agency: US, Sydney

Art Director: Adrian Ely

Copywriter: Nigel Clark