Myer launches new ‘The Colours of Summer’ Spring/Summer campaign via Badjar Ogilvy

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myer1.jpgBadjar Ogilvy has launched the new Spring Summer 2012/13 campaign for Australian retailer, Myer. ‘The Colours of Summer’ campaign features a South African backdrop and showcases the new season looks and trends from Myer.


Says Andrew Egan, general manager, Badjar Ogilvy Myer group: “Myer partnering with South African tourism is a rare & perfect opportunity to develop a stand-out communication which took advantage of the dramatic location. It showcases the latest season trends but with the ability to talk to customers in more ways. The ultimate attraction of relevant and inspiring content secured exclusive behind the scenes footage, and an online travel log with Myer ambassadors which complement our TVC launch in Australia.”

myer3.jpgThe campaign appears across multiple channels including TV, magazines, outdoor, digital media, a Myer designer catalogue and exclusive fashion book.


The two 30 second TVCs launched nationally on free-to-air and pay TV last night, Sunday August 5. Mainstream digital activity includes Emporium and Vogue magazines, Tribal Fusion, Adotube, Facebook and YouTube.

A fully integrated BADJAR Ogilvy campaign was developed to leverage the stunning landscapes and adventure involved in the unique destination, South Africa. In addition to the extensive fashion shoot in the wilderness with Myer brand ambassadors, Kris Smith, Jennifer Hawkins and Jess Hart, the shoot team had access to tame cheetahs, lion cubs and elephants, all of whom are featured interacting with the talent throughout the campaign.


Says Megan Foster, group general manager marketing at Myer: “It’s the first international shoot for Myer and when South African tourism approached us to partner with them for the season; it was an exciting proposal too good to refuse. This partnership allowed us to provide something inspiring, new and interesting to our customers and significantly promotes our new season fashions and designers.”


Additional digital activity includes the designer behind the scenes as well as the travel log footage – which can be scanned and viewed in this month’s Emporium magazine – plus consumers can view the TVC by scanning a QR code appearing on any outdoor execution.


Creative Director – Kai Tunley

Account Director – Georgie Brown

Photographic Producer – Sam Montgomery

Director – Will Davidson