Monash University rallies people to change what they don’t like in new film via Y&R Melbourne
Monash University has launched a confronting new campaign that challenges people to change what they don’t like in the world. An impactful 60-second film is the first piece of work to go to air.
At a time when it is easy to turn a blind eye to the harsh realities of the world and hide behind social media, this campaign holds a mirror up to the issues shaping the global community and calls to action those who want to make change for the better.
Every scene in the film aligns with research, work, or a learning approach – small or large – that Monash is part of in an attempt to address the need for change.
Says Fabian Marrone, CMO, Monash University: “There are serious challenges facing the world and the human race, but we all have the power to address them head on. ‘If you don’t like it, change it’ is a call to action. It’s Monash acknowledging we have a role to play in the solutions and inviting those who want to change their lives or the lives of those around them to be part of it.
“The campaign acknowledges those agents of change already taking action and mobilising others. It acknowledges the challenges the global community is facing and reminds us we can all play a role in progress.”
Says Jake Barrow, executive creative director, Y&R Melbourne: “Universities are meant to be full of the restless and change-makers. It is no secret that, right now, the world needs them more than ever. This idea seeks to identify these people and give them the opportunities to leave the world in better shape than they found it.”
In a coup for the university, the launch film features the new music track ‘Blaccout’ by local Indigenous artist, A.B. Original.
Says Marrone: “We wanted change agents whose message was one of empowerment to play this vital role in this campaign. After hearing the A.B. Original track, we realised they were the perfect fit.”
‘If you don’t like it, change it’ is a through-the-line campaign that will see executions throughout Australia and globally over the coming months.
Client: Monash University
Chief Marketing Officer: Fabian Marrone
Director, Strategic Marketing and Communications: Caroline Knowles
Senior Manager, Strategic Marketing and Communications: Jane Mahuru
Creative Agency: Y&R Melbourne
Chief Creative Officer: Paul Nagy
Executive Creative Director: Jake Barrow
Creative Director: James Wills
Planning Director: Michael Hyde
Senior Planners: Lyndal Kearney & Christine O’Keefe
Managing Partner: Julian Bell
Group Account Director: Matthew Hunt
Senior Account Manager: Sarah Wood
Designers: Lewis Brown, Simon Gray
Production: Y&R Melbourne
Director: Hayden Gregory
Executive Producer: Sheridan Wadelton
Production Assistant: Annie Thiele
Offline Editor: Billy Browne
Online Editor: Alek Janev
Music: A.B. Original
Music Supervision: Karl Richter, Level Two Music
Sound Design: Paul Le Coutier, Nylon Studios Melbourne
Strategically not sure if this makes sense.
Changing the world doesn’t require a degree.
Also, Monash is one of the universities implementing trigger warnings which seems a bit hypocritical?
Impressive. This is really bold work that grabs hold of the zeitgeist with intent.
I kind of didnt know what to think of this after first viewing. But then I remembered that I’m a 40-something mortaged-up advertising person who gave up doing/caring about the greater good a long time ago. I hate that about being old.
We need students to question things and change things – because Im too busy writing banner ads. And better it be at uni where there smart kids are.
Good one Monash. Fight the power.
This is being torn apart on social media because of its blatant partisan standpoint. It promotes political violence to change towards a left wing agenda. Gen Z have been notoriously noted as more right wing. How on earth is this a good ad? This is scary.
“Gen Z have been notoriously noted as more right wing.”
I find that very hard to believe. Sources please.
This makes me want to change the world. The use of Briggs/AB Original track is an ace choice.
I’d like to see that source too.
well, it probably appeals to every 18 year old who wants to change the world….
Sure, i’ll do your research for you
I do recommend some reading outside of your own bubble though – might even make your ads better.
Sorry, I should have been clearer. *Robust* sources please.
If climate change, terrorism, warfare, online bullying are the issues that millennials care about, then it’s a bullseye. If not, then it’s a wide miss. Something tells me they may have researched this….
Revving the kids up and having a genuine point of difference. Brave stuff for a uni. Noice.
What unique role does Monash play in this over any other uni?
Finally a big brand standing up and offering a way to a better world.
Well done.
The bits the agency shot are shot so badly it diminishes everything. The end is truly awful.
I didn’t realize hype reels counted as work now?
reckon this would’ve taken some bravery to sell, and even more to buy.
so good until the ‘product shot’ at the end. I think if you are smart enough to change the world (and go to Monash), you don’t need footage of students on campus to get that its an ad for a uni. almost.
Smart copy. Change the world by learning STEM… or whatever.
Unfortunate they couldn’t get beyond their own political bias in the execution.
If they were ‘brave’, they’d hold the concept and try better next time. It could be a lasting campaign. It can only get better.
Great strategy. Communicates a clear message which is actually pretty rare for a lot of advertising (particularly education work). Clever use of existing footage and punchy edit/cool track. Job well done.
I love it. I think its bloody awesome.
A few years ago I worked on the Think Forward campaign for Swinburne Uni, which at the time went gangbusters for them. I’ve worked on several uni campaigns. Working on unis is tough work. Not only do you have to get buy in from your immediate marketing clients – you’ve then got a litany of other internal uni stakeholders who have to buy into the idea. So many cooks in the kitchen.
Kudos to the Y&R team who were able to sell this up the chain and get it over the line. Getting a brand to really stand for something – especially this provocative – is hard work. We all know it. Getting an educational brand is even tougher, because most of the stakeholders aren’t necessarily up with the times or even see the value in true ideas. We’re talking about faculty heads, not marketing and advertising people.
Fucking well done guys. This isn’t a typical piece but the idea and execution is powerful and watchable over and over and its gonna blow all the other unis out of the water.
So many people want to change the world, yet wouldn’t even know how to clean their own room.
It’s great.
It’s making people talk.
Sadly the right wing arse lickers and sycophants get stuck on the first half of the video and claim it’s promoting political violence. For any normal rational human with the ability to think for themselves it’s obvious what the message is.
Very disingenuous. Feels like it’s been put together by a bunch of old adwankers that are trying too hard to make something resonate and it doesn’t even land the offering very well, if at all.
halfway through seeing this ad on tenplay I thought ‘oh pls don’t be a uni ad’… nekminnit
Omg you guys stole my ad!
Have you ever read the Powell memo? All the modern day conservative fuckery in the world can be traced back to this perfectly executed strategy.
This is incitement to violence, an open invitation to antifa. Who is the Chancellor of this supposed university?
Lazy, generic advertising from an agency that couldn’t pass IDEAS 101 if it tried.
Still, it’s slightly better than the shite other universities – the UNE in particular – has put out, lately. Who are he people who approve this mumbo-jumbo?
Amusing ad, given that Monash Uni is one of the most conservative and bureaucratic institutions you’ll ever find. The senior management would shit their pants if their students ever protested on campus as depicted in this ad. Protesters outside building 3A at Clayton campus? Security would be called in right away.
I can only congratulate Fabian Marrone, chief marketing officer, for inspiring the more aged members of the senior management with an appeal to their 1970s rebellious streak. Not sure how many kids are actually impressed by the ad, though. Or what the implications will be for the brand. Overall, a pretty desperate gamble.
I recall Meredith Burgman rallying the Marxists at
Sydney University in the 1960’s, and here she pops
up again in the first pic! Nothing has changed. Ho Hum.
Study at Monash so you can be indoctrinated by Marxist propaganda and transformed into a violent antifa thug.