Michael Simons to DRAFTFCB’s worldwide ECD on Kraft – relinquishes CCO New York role


Picture 966.pngEXCLUSIVE – Aussie expat Michael Simons has been appointed worldwide ECD on DRAFTFCB’s Kraft business, and as a result, has relinquished his role of chief creative officer of DRAFTFCB New York, a position he has held since November 2008.

Simons has juggled both roles since December, but Simons told CB that the Kraft job was now a full-time commitment: “Yes, my life has taken another unexpected but pretty interesting twist.Kraft, which is a huge account for DRAFTFCB around the world and asignificant piece of business in the NYC office, needed specialattention. So Jonathan Harries, our worldwide creative director askedme to step in and look after it.

This from an internal email to agency staff:  “The challenge Michaelaccepted has turned into an opportunity that cannot be part-time ortemporary. As such, Michael recently committed to making Kraft hisnumber one priority, and the agency is beginning to see the benefits ofthis decision. That is why Michael has been officially promoted to ECDon the Kraft business worldwide.”

Simons told CB: “Even thoughthe job I’ve been doing feels a little like unfinished business, I’mreally excited about the possibilities this new move presents. In arecent pitch for one of Kraft’s brands, we were up against Crispin andWieden. I think that demonstrates the quality of work they aredemanding these days.”

Simons will remain based in New York, commuting regularly to Kraft’s HQ in Chicago. Tom O’Keefe, who wasnamed executive creative director for DRAFTFCB North America earlierthis year, will be helping to find Simon’s replacement as CCO of DRAFTFCB New York.

Prior to New York Simons had been executive CD of the Draft FCB Sydney since 1998. Before that, he was a creative director on Nike at Wieden + Kennedy in Portland and a senior creative at George Patterson Bates, Sydney.