Melbourne photographer Danny Cohen launches pop-up card introducing his brand to agencies


Finished Pop-Up.jpgMelbourne based photographer Danny Cohen has just finished an elaborate direct mailer in the form of a pop-up card to introduce himself to agencies across Australia and New Zealand. With his previous partnership recently coming to an end, Cohen has hit the ground running by launching his new brand and promo piece.

image5.jpgSays Cohen: “I wanted to create a personalised DM that creatives wouldn’t have seen before, especially from a photographer. I came up with the idea of making a pop-up card looking into the set of one of my shoots, like a diorama. I chose a recent shot of a prince riding a polar bear and went from there. There was a huge process in getting to the final product. I had to figure out exactly how the card would “pop up”, what pieces to include on the “set”, how to print and glue the cards etc.”

On top of designing the card, Cohen had to fold, glue and stick down every piece. Each card was individually personalised to the art director/buyer or creative director that was receiving the card with the words “Hello (recipient’s name), I’m new here.” His aim was to ensure that the people receiving the card wouldn’t just add it to the pile of promotional pieces or throw it away. He also did this by writing a blurb on the back instructing them to “keep it in a safe place.”  

Cohen has already had a solid response to the cards.

Says Cohen: “I’ve been having a bunch of meetings with agencies in both Melbourne and Sydney and a few shoots have started coming in.”