Meat & Livestock Australia says ‘it’s time to warm things up’ this winter in new campaign via BMF


Screen shot 2012-07-09 at 9.14.35 AM.jpgBeefgiving Season is turning the coldest season of the year into the warmest. Meat & Livestock Australia, via agency BMF, is urging Aussies – including Tony and Julia – to warm up their relationships this Beefgiving Day, slated for this Saturday July 14th (apologies to the French for a clash with Bastille Day).

The video, which was created by BMF and production company Cutting Edge, features a group of chefs firing up a BBQ and cooking a selection of succulent Beef dishes.


The video ‘stars’ Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and reveals how beef can bring warmth to even the frostiest of relationships.


The video is part of MLA’s latest campaign for Beef, which this year has replaced the winter season with Beefgiving Season.


The centerpiece of Beefgiving Season is Beefgiving Day, which will be celebrated this Saturday 14 July, historically the coldest Saturday of the year.


Beefgiving Day is a time to reheat relationships with friends and families by sharing hot meals of Beef.


MLA’s Beefgiving campaign includes TV, print, outdoor and online, including a host of social media activity around the Nothing Beats Beef Facebook page. Beefgiving Season is also involved in a number of Winter Festivals across Australia.


Agency:  BMF

Client: Meat & Livestock Australia

Production Company:  Cutting Edge