Macca’s celebrates the return of footy with deliciously detailed footy ads via DDB Sydney

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As the NRL and AFL seasons return for 2025, McDonald’s Australia is celebrating footy being back on the menu in a new campaign via DDB Sydney.


After a long off-season, the sight of a fresh Steeden or Sherrin football is enough to make any sports loving Aussie footy fan drool.

And now Macca’s has taken that one step further, capturing the iconic footies in glorious detail with an unmistakably “Macca’s” spin.

The two videos capture each code’s iconic footballs in delicious close-up detail, from the red Australian leather and laces of the Sherrin to the handcrafted seams and signature dimples of the Steeden, to mark the start of the 2025 season.

Says Jack Nunn, Creative Partner at DDB Sydney: “To steal a line from Bruce*, these are delicious.”

The campaign launches as part of the brand’s broader sponsorship of the NRL and AFL codes, where Macca’s continues its “Footy. I’m lovin’ it” platform.

The campaign, which is now live, will appear on online video, social and in stadiums.

*immortalised by veteran footy broadcaster Bruce McAvaney

Client: McDonald’s Australia
Creative Agency: DDB Sydney
Media Agency: OMD Sydney


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