LOUD Multicultural wins top award at the National Multicultural Marketing Awards for NSW Cancer Council’s ‘Biggest Morning Tea’ campaign

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Picture LOUD WINNERS6.jpgLOUD Multicultural was the big winner at the National Multicultural Marketing Awards last night.

The agency won the Advertising and Communications category and then topped the night by winning the Grand Award for Best Multicultural Campaign of the Year.  The Grand Award was for the agency’s work on promoting the Cancer Council NSW’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea campaign to multicultural audiences.

Pictured above at the award night are: Stepan Kerkyasharian (Community Relations Commission Chair), Barry O’Farrell (NSW Premier), Regina Boulos (UBI World TV President – Awards Sponsor), Lou Petrolo (Director, LOUD Multicultural), Jhaike Braham (Marketing Manager, Cancer Council NSW Projects), Sally-Anne Prado (Cultural Diversity Manager , Cancer Council NSW), Erica Green (Account Director, LOUD), Victor Dominello (NSW Minister for Citizenship and Communities)

big morningtea.jpgMinister for Citizenship and Communities, Victor Dominello MP, said: “I commend LOUD Multicultural for making the Biggest Morning Tea more accessible to ethnic communities by broadening the definition of the morning tea from English breakfast to include chai, lassi, Turkish coffee and green tea.

This strategy helped our ethnic communities find a way to make the morning tea their own and promote these vital cancer awareness messages to sometimes hard to reach members of the community.”

multicultural morning tea.jpgSays Lou Petrolo, director, LOUD Multicultural: “We are thrilled to win the Grand Award, but more importantly to win it for such a good cause.  As a result of our campaign, the Cancer Council of NSW not only reached its fundraising target of $11million for 2011, but exceeded it.”