LOUD appointed by Cancer Council Australia to develop Pink Ribbon Day campaign

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ribbon.jpgFollowing a competitive pitch, LOUD have been appointed to develop Cancer Council Australia’s Pink Ribbon Day campaign. The new campaign will launch in August and includes print, online, POS, social media, DM and PR.

The ‘pink movement’ has become the symbol of breast cancer support both within Australia and internationally.  The success of this means that the market is becoming cluttered as more breast cancer charities get involved in marketing and fundraising activities.

LOUD’s campaign will allow consumers to identify Cancer Council Australia as one of the lead charities supporting the breast cancer cause. Funds raised from Cancer Council’s Pink Ribbon Day contribute to vital breast cancer research, prevention and support services.

“The appointment of LOUD to develop our Pink Ribbon Day creative strategy is an exciting collaboration,” said Melissa Cicero, national events marketing – coordinator, Cancer Council Australia. “Their creative approach is ideas driven, yet simple. They were passionate and driven to go beyond the brief, offering great insights to help strengthen the creative proposition.  We are pleased to be working with LOUD to help increase the awareness of the Cancer Council and our work in breast cancer research, prevention and support,” she added.

Says Lorraine Jokovic, CEO of LOUD: “This is such a wonderful cause and LOUD are thrilled to be creating Reverberation™ for Pink Ribbon Day and for those whose have been affected by Breast Cancer.”