Lachie’s Cannes Diary – part one
Lachie McPherson, executive creative director of Publicis Mojo Auckland, isrepresenting New Zealand on the Cyber jury.He’s just finished day one of judging and writes exclusively forCampaign Brief, the only Australian trade press in Cannes this year.Other Aussie and Kiwi jurors will be contributing exclusively to the CBBlog over the next 10 days, so make sure you check in daily, hourly,every minute…
Computers off! A storm cuts cyber judging short.
Sent from my iPhone.
In a juror briefing this morning we were asked to keep our comments general, so I’ll start with a bit about the weather.
Stormy.In fact our judging was cut short today because of it. This wouldnormally have been a good thing, but we have masses of work still toview.
Cyber entries are up this year by around 18%. I was toldby one of the organisers that after the economic crisis they hadbudgeted for a decline.
This is great news for the festival, andit reflects the way everyone is really embracing the digital medium.There was even talk at the jury dinner last night about whether cyberwas the right name for the category given the way that it has evolved.So far, there haven’t been any better suggestions.
Pictured above: fellow Cyber Lions jurors Damian Royce (creative director, Clemenger BBDO, Melbourne) and Cyber Lions jury president Jeff Benjamin (chief creative officer, Crispin Porter + Bogusky USA)
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1 Comment
How about the computer ad lions. It does have a nice ring to it.