Julia Spencer’s 4 takes from Cannes

Julia Spencer’s 4 takes from Cannes

Freelance creative director and co-founder of Mums In Ads (MIA) Julia Spencer was selected for this year’s Cannes Lions See It Be It cohort. After six days in Cannes, Spencer shares her four outtakes.


1. Don’t come to Cannes during a live-streamed genocide. It’s not great for the soul.

2. See It Be It is a spectacular program. All women should apply for it, all men should learn what it is.

3. Our industry spends a shit tonne of money to perpetuate the big lie that what we are doing is a great worldly contribution – so creatives can justify what they have to sacrifice in pursuit of metal and the higher ups can clink their glasses. What we do is just consumerism, wrapped in a bow.

4. The seagulls are huge here.