de Clerck-Annan-Jones.jpgKofiAnnan, former Secretary General of the United Nations, President of theGlobal Humanitarian Forum and David Jones, Global CEO of HavasWorldwide, CEO of Euro RSCG Worldwide and co-founder of One YoungWorld, hold a crisis debate hosted by Hervé de Clerck (pictured left),Dream Leader, ACT Responsible & Founder of AdForum, at the 56thCannes International Advertising Festival on the human face of climatechange and the role that only the creative community can play inchanging Climate Change to Climate Justice.

In June 2008, ACT Responsiblestarted working for Annan’s Global Humanitarian Forum and togetherwith David Jones (pictured right), created a dedicated communicationsteam working for Kofi Annan to raise awareness of human consequences ofclimate change all over the world. Annan, working in closeco-operation with all the major non-governmental organisations (NGOs)in the framework of the Global Campaign for Climate Action will call onthe Cannes Lions worldwide audience to support this work.

“We hope to involve millions of people in a global movement for a fair resolution to the climate crisis” said de Clerck.

“Thisis vital because political leaders will stand up and act only if theyfeel there is strong public support” said Annan.

“Thefundamental word is actually ‘movement’ rather than a ‘campaign’.Because a campaign is something that you watch, whereas a movement issomething that you join and are a part of” said Jones.