JayGrey’s first work: Ambi Pur
September 21 2009, 5:32 pm | | 38 Comments
Ambi Pur, via JayGrey Sydney, has released a new range of liquid toilet cleaner gels that combine hospital grade disinfectant with Ambi Pur fragrance to produce a toilet cleaner
that doesn’t smell like one. The campaign features a series of print ads and a TV commercial (which will be on Bestads late Tuesday morning.
Agency: JayGrey, Sydney
Creative Director: Jay Furby
Copywriter: Jay Furby
Art Director: David White
Photographer: Toby Burrows
Retoucher: Marcus @ Cave
Sounds a bit J Lo, but man the guy can produce, love him or hate him.
I’d work there…
Round 4.
Same talent, same idea, four treatments.
you need more than print ads these days jay.
but they are nice print ads. well done & welcome back
go the furbster!
That is funny but same talent 4 times?
Welcome back Jay.
The industry is far, far better with you mucking around inside.
Lovely ads.
If the stuff smells great, these ads are great.
If it smells crap, the brand is down the dunny.
The toilet cleaner that doesn’t smell like one. Great position and stand-out ads (however stretched for campaign purposes). Good bugger.
The fact that they sold these ads for a toilet cleaner.from a huge megalopos of a company like Pand G..very boring normally….is a freaking achievement in itself.
I want his suits and planner!
He can have ours.
How do you get away with that?
Finally someone doing some solid fucking work. Good thought.
EAU DE TOILETTE…how come that hasn’t been done before?
Nicely executed. Nice insight.
Isn’t that what we are meant to do…..?
Well farkin done i say and on a tough category. I don’t mind the same model thing …considering there’s a recession on.
Not a scam. Sara Lee don’t.
The fact that they sold these ads for a toilet cleaner.from a huge megalopos of a company like Pand G..very boring normally….is a freaking achievement in itself.
I want his suits and planner!
He can have ours.
How do you get away with that?
i think perfume campaigns use the same models over and over for the same perfume …isn’t that the point.
i get it….and it’s funny and cheeky for a very dull category. ONYA.
The backstreet boy is back. Lol. Finally an agency i want to work at!!!!
Nice touch.
you have to admit the industry is far more interesting place with the likes of mr furby around.
Hey 11:27 – don’t blame your suits and planners. They’re only as good as the push the have to push through the S-bend and onto the client. If your clients aren’t buying good work, maybe it’s not.
pure Jay style……….
he’s got it!!
Wow, that was a triumph of gobbledegook, 4:17. But that’s not why I’m on this thread.
I was gonna ask: is David White the former Euro art director who’s been directing commercials for the last decade or so? Spike White?
Furby’s back.
The industry was getting tired, boring and stressful. Thank God Furby’s around again to remind us why we got into this thing in the first place.
Fucking great. Good on him.
I am the client and its great work. Regarding comments on suits/planners etc it was a refreshing pleasure to work with an edgy, gutsy but on strategy guy. Creating advertising and the creative process is fun again for the client as well as the agency. Like him or loathe him (and I like him) Furby doesnt take himself too seriously or think he knows better than the client and consumer like a lot of creatives do. Look out for more from him very very soon….. meanwhile GO JAY and congrats on the start of something new
Did someone edit the shit out of the entry from 4:17? That doesn’t make sense at all…
5:10 Yep, that’s Spikey alright.
They make a great team.
Is that a gigantic breath of fresh air I smell?
You’re right 5:31, we need the passionate, talented Furbys of the world, even if they can be total arseholes sometimes.
Hey Client. You’ve cut and pasted that entry from one a while ago and changed the name you cheeky bugger.
Go Spike! Great strategy, well executed. You compliment the Furbster perfectly!
Wow, so much love in this room! How about some hugs for the Art Director?
Spike White and Jay Furby. “Now that’s a team I want to see more from” Brilliant partnership. Go boys!!
I bought a bottle. It’s shit.
Can someone please remind Australian creatives and their client that the product and promise need to be somehow related.
I bought some too…. I love it. I got the lavender one. Didn’t smell like others i’ve used.
Got to be better than that bleachy crap.
not sure about the advertising tricks of the trade, outside of my area of expertise – but as a house wife this is a hilarious take on Calvin, we can all be sexy with the right scent. Works for me!! The TV ad is great too- well done to all involved. Love it!
You can show the same guy 4 times – especially when he’s that hot! Heaps of fun – thanks!!
Eu de Awesome!
Bloody brilliant!
congratulations on presenting a sauve and classy advert.
Brilliant! Very clever! Laughed out loud when I saw the print ad.
Who wouldn’t want that body draped around you as you did the necessary evils of housekeeping!!
Yes – housework is SEXY!!
i really like it. really really a lot. very well done, the photography is brilliant, and the execution is better. i love that instead of using a subtly sexy housewife you’ve gone for the tired looking cleaner. and the design is brilliant as well.
incredible, using sex to sell a toilet cleaner, i doubt this would be overlooked in any womens magazine.
love it.