Invisalign launches new national ad campaign voiced by Australian actress Pia Miranda


Screen shot 2010-06-02 at 10.44.21 AM.pngInvisalign, the revolutionary ‘invisible’ teeth straightening system, is launching a new national advertising campaign, “Change the way the world sees you”, with a 30 second commercial being shown at Sex and the City 2 viewings throughout Australia and a national print campaign in women’s titles. The TVC was produced by Y&R, San Francisco, modified for the Australia/nz market by Mum’s Spaghetti and Steam Production with the voice over supplied by well known Australian actress Pia Miranda and will be in cinemas from tomorrow (June 3) for four weeks.

INVISALIGN AD.jpg“Sex and the City 2 is a perfect match for Invisalign customers who aremainly females aged 15-40 looking to improve their smile. Invisalign,the clear alternative to braces, is opening up a whole new market ofadult women who can now improve their smiles, which wasn’t possiblebefore. We want potential Invisalign customers to smile more and Sexand the City 2 allows us to get our message to more consumers in a veryrelevant environment,” says Damian Baskin, Marketing Manager,Invisalign Australia.

Invisalign is continuing its ongoing advertising in national women’smagazines reaching over 1 million readers each month. The new full-pageadvertisement will be featured in Cosmopolitan, Cleo, Good Health,Famous, Women’s Heath and Prevention, amongst others. InvisalignTeenwill be supported with a presence in Dolly and Girlfriend including thesponsorship of the Dolly Model search 2010. Invisalign will also belaunching a new website that integrates with the new consumer campaignand has added features.