Huawei launches new poster campaign for its new ‘Ascend’ handsets via Arnold Furnace


Huawei Poster 2.jpgArnold Furnace has created a new poster campaign for Huawei to announce the company’s new Ascend range of handsets. This new range will incorporate more sophisticated and superior features and technology, however will still provide great value for money against its competitors.

Each execution of the campaign shows the front and back of a phone with a concertina effect in between, telling an illustrated story relevant to the different age groups each model is aimed at.

A different illustrator and style was used for each execution with the central creative idea providing the glue for the campaign.

Huawei poster 1.jpgUnlike most other mobile phone brands, Huawei’s advertising has a real relevance to its audience, focusing on how they use the products every day.  This campaign continues that thought with a strong and fresh creative idea.

Says Tom Spicer, executive creative director Arnold Furnace: “Our phones have become seamless extensions of our lives but Huawei are one of the few technology brands to really embrace that thought, putting the consumer at the heart of its advertising rather than just bare faced technology.”

Says Mark Treadwell, head of Huawei Poster 3.jpgmarketing, Huawei Devices Australia: “Huawei have gained a great foothold in Australia with the help of the great work Arnold Furnace has been doing. This campaign continues that partnership with work that is again strategically strong, surprising and fun.”

ECD – Tom Spicer

Creative team – Cameron Brown, Luke Duggan

Design – Darren Cole, Nic Adamovich 

GAD – Ian Hartley

Producer – Chris Hulsman       

Illustrations – The Drawing Arm

Media – OMD