Happy Birthday Matt Keon @ 18 Feet & Rising, Dan Moth @ Clemenger BBDO, Zac Skulander @ Fairfax Media and producer Georgie Gordon
Happy Birthday Matt Keon, creative partner at 18 Feet & Rising, London, Dan Moth, senior creative at Clemenger BBDO, Wellington, Zac Skulander, creative manager at Fairfax Media and Georgie Gordon, broadcast and events producer, Sydney.
If you work in the industry and would like to have your birthday acknowledged on the CB Blog, make sure you are a Facebook friend of Lynchy and have your birthday publicly listed on your Facebook profile. Or email your details – name, position, company – and a pic (or on behalf of an industry friend) to: michael@campaignbrief.com. If it happens to be today, do it before 11am so we can add you prior to the daily e-newsletter.