December 15 2006, 12:46 pm | | 25 Comments
After two and a half years as Creative Group Head at JWT Sydney, writer Paul Hankinson is leaving to finish a book he started earlier this year. Entitled Shantaram, the book is an autobiography set in India.
“It’s shaping up to be an epic,” Hankinson said. “I bought it at an airport on my way overseas, but it’s a bit of a tough read and to be honest I’m having trouble getting past the second chapter.”
Hanko is also keen to tackle a few writing projects, and can be contacted on 0423085014.
Nice one. I left to the industry to finish tha same book. Stick at it mate. It took me 8 months. A good break.
That was actually really funny.
Fuck you’re a funny bastard Hanko!
Don’t bother. I got about as far as page 80 I reckon it’s tosh. If he’d learnt to write ads, he’d have the benefit of economy, then you’d be able to hold the book up and read it in bed instead of dropping it every time you doze.
I hope his ads are more original than his jokes.
Very funny.Then it must have been the clients who were the problem at JWT then.
Fucken hillarious Hanko. But we’d expect nothing less.
Hanko’s one of the wittiest people I’ve ever met. The next agency to snap him up is lucky indeed.
Onya Hanko.Funny bugger.
At least he didn’t leave to finish a kids book…Sorry Jay.
That was a shit joke, Mr Hanky.
Why’s everyone leaving JWT?
Brilliant Hanko. Best of luck. Paris says hello.
Shantaram is one of my favourite reads. It’s an epic. Gregory David Roberts wrote it 3 times over as the guards in his prison cell ripped up first and second drafts. I also heard that they are making it into a film right now and Johnny Deep is playing the lead.Oh, Marching Powder is also worth a read. Set inside a Bolivian prison.
It’s a great book and more than enough reason to leave somewhere like JWT. Well done Hanko, you better get the Mal out a bit more as well this summer as well.
Wow! That is confidence personified. I guess he’s not the slightest bit worried about where the next job is coming from — oh to be so talented and in demand…
funniest gag I’ve read on the blog
Good on you Hanko. Truth and hilarity in advertising is a rare combination. Mak moi!
It’s an oldie (D-generation did that gag about 20 years ago) but still good.
Hanko is truly one of the few good buggers to work with. Brilliant, honest and funny.Best of luck, Josh
As a young whipper-snapper Hanko offered pearls of wisdom which spurred me on when the daily battle for competitive briefs and cracking ideas seemed all too daunting. Onya Hanko and all the best. You are an inspiration.
Hanko. Not to be forward or anything, but I hear the book has had a film option taken out. If it’s yours … any chance we can suggest a director????You are really funny and a pleasure to work with.