Glenvill Homes appoints 10 feet tall

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Glenvill Homes appoints 10 feet tall

Iconic home builder Glenvill Homes has appointed strategic creative agency 10 Feet Tall to work on its brand and communications, stating its aim is to refine how its brand is perceived and redefine what it is known for.


Recognising over six decades of experience delivering quality homes across Australia, administrators have recently appointed Glenvill to assist in the completion of homes affected by recent industry collapses.

Says Sarah Clayton, marketing manager, Glenvill Homes: “10 Feet Tall quite simply possess the full suite of services to take our business to the next level from research and strategy, through to creative and execution. We felt they had the right set of skills for our business and we’re excited to start on this journey together.”

Says Joseph Meseha, managing director, 10 Feet Tall: “The construction industry has had a bad reputation of late. What Australia needs is more builders like Glenvill Homes to stand up and stand out. It’s a challenging time to be a builder, but with that turbulence comes great opportunity. We’re looking forward to navigating it with them.”

The appointment takes effect immediately.